本节重点强调“情态动词 have 过去分词”的用法,我来为大家科普一下关于情态动词后加动词原形举例?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



本节重点强调“情态动词 have 过去分词”的用法

1、must have 过去分词

He must have attended the Beijing Winter Olympic Games for he is the most famous player in China. 他一定参加了北京奥林匹克运动会,因为他是中国最著名的运动员。

It must have rained last night for the ground is wet. 昨天准是下雨了,因为地面是湿的。

He couldn't have left Dongfeng, for I saw him last night. 他不可能离开东风,因为我昨晚看见他了。

2、may \ might have 过去分词

"may \ might have 过去分词" 表示对已发生的动作或存在的状态进行不那么肯定的推测。might语气更弱。主要用于肯定句和否定句

You might have known about it on the Internet. 你可能在网络上了解到这个事儿了。

They may not have seen the president at the conference. 他们不可能 在会议上看到总统。

3、can \ could have 过去分词


Can they have left for Shanghai so soon ? 难道他们这么快就离开去上海了?

Our teacher can't have come to Dongfeng, for he told me just now that he was in Beijing. 我们的老师不可能来东风了,因为他刚才告诉我他在北京。

You could have visited me when you were in this town on business. 你在这个小镇出差时,你本可以来看望我的 (你却没有来看望我)。

4、needn't have 过去分词

”needn't have 过去分词“ 表示过去做了本不必要做的动作。

I needn't have taken an umbrella with me, for the weather is fine today. 我本不必要带着一把伞,因为天气这么好。

We needn't have read the story in class, for they have been told about it. 我们本不必要在班上读这个故事,因为已经有人告诉他们了。

5、should have 过去分词

”should have 过去分词“ 表示本应该做某事却没有做。

”shouldn't have 过去分词" 表示本不应该做某事却做了。


You failed the exam again, you should have studied harder.


You shouldn't have told her about it. 你本不应该告诉她这事儿。

”ought to have 过去分词“用法一样,中学阶段相对少一些。

6、would have 过去分词

”would have 过去分词“ 表示对过去某种情况的猜测,或本来要做某事却因某种原因未做成。 没有责备或不满的意思。

I would have gone to Jiuquan last night. 我昨晚本来要去酒泉的。

You have made so many mistakes. I wouldn't have done my homework like that. 你犯了如此多的错误,我不会那样做作业的。

”情态动词 have 过去分词“ 在虚拟语气中非常重要。我们在虚拟语气部分会重点讲解。
