MOE 是LVL脚手架的弹性模量的简称.通常说的MOE是日文里的“萌え”的读音,形容loli的可爱常用缩写:MOE:Measure of Effectiveness 有效性量度, 效率测量, 效能测量MOE:minister of education 教育部,我来为大家科普一下关于MOE是什么意思?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



MOE 是LVL脚手架的弹性模量的简称.通常说的MOE是日文里的“萌え”的读音,形容loli的可爱。常用缩写:MOE:Measure of Effectiveness 有效性量度, 效率测量, 效能测量MOE:minister of education 教育部

1. “We're reborn,” Moe explained. “As a couple of two-pounders.“我们再生啦,”莫伊解释说,“我们俩都有两磅重吧。”2. We hope to present a plan to the MOE by the end of September. 我们希望于九月底能将计画书呈报教育部。3. The new treatment would kill the bacteria before it had a chance to moe. 这种新的治疗方法将在细菌有机会移动之前杀死细菌。