


The annual World Culture Week, which is one of the special activities of the Longquanyi Beanstalk School in Chengdu (hereinafter referred to as "Beanstalk"), was held in anticipation of the students. The reason for this annual event is to allow students to understand and learn about diverse cultures and to broaden their horizons. Come join us for a week-long review of World Culture Week!



Students participated in a variety of World Culture Week activities during the week, from tasting world cuisine, wearing national costumes to learning more about the customs and cultures of the world, they were able to experience the fun of cultural diversity through the exciting World Culture Week activities. Throughout the week, students experienced the cultures of different countries and enjoyed the excitement of the world.





At the Primary Division assembly held on Friday, Nisa from G4A class first presented a traditional Canadian piano piece called "Maple Leaves", followed by Amy from G3 class who presented a recitation of an ancient Chinese poem called "The Absolute Verse". Then Elin Kwon from Year 1B class from Korea dressed in Korean costume introduced the traditional Korean costume to the older siblings.There were teachers and students from all over the world and from different provinces in China, and they came up together to show the teachers and students how to say "hello" in different countries and regions, which brought the atmosphere to a climax.



World Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22nd to raise awareness of environmental issues and to mobilize people to participate in the environmental movement to improve the overall environment of the earth through green and low-carbon living. The students also learned about the origin of World Earth Day and the importance of protecting the environment through a small video at this assembly!



The assembly ended with a traditional Irish piano piece by Serena from Year 3. We hope that other students had fun experiencing different cultures through this event.



Based on the current international environment and the future requirements of a diversified and changing society, Beanstalk has been building an international campus with both academics and humanities. The comprehensive and high-quality international curriculum and teaching, the excellent East-meets-West educational philosophy, and the scientific and flexible "dual-track" pathway to higher education. We are committed to developing students into bilingual, multicultural and global-minded global citizens, and to making them more adaptable to the differences and compatibility between the mainstream education curriculum and cultures of the future.
