

1.Miss this and that丢三落四

He always misses this and that.How can he do that well?他总是丢三落四,怎么能把事情做好?

You miss this and that,Your rooms are so untidy.你丢三落四,房间太乱了。

2. forget this, that and the other丢三落四 Don't forget this, that and the other.Put your shoes and socks away in your room. 不要丢三落四的,把你的鞋和袜收拾到你房间去。


3.be absent-minded心不在焉

She became absent-minded with age.因上了年纪她变得丢三落四的。

Grandpa's become quite absent-minded these years.这些年爷爷变得丢三落四了。

4.be forgetful健忘的

He has decided not to be forgetful in the future. 他已下定决心,不再丢三落四了。

5.leave things behind丢三落四

