
Word of the Day:December 14, 2022



verb /UN-juh-layt/ [ˈʌndʒəˌleɪt]

What It Means

Undulate is a formal word that means “to move or be shaped like waves.”

Undulate 正式词,指“像波浪一样移动”。

UNDULATE in Context

“It’s always windy in the world of Horizon Forbidden West, the new sequel to Sony’s 2017 hit Horizon Zero Dawnundulate and toss in a lively way that probably took a team of animators months to model.” — Ben Lindbergh, The Ringer, 16 Feb. 2022

“Horizon Forbidden West 的世界总是刮风,这是 2017 年​索尼大热的游戏《地平线:零之曙光》。 风根据你在世界中的位置而改变。 ……无论你身在何处,主角 Aloy 长长的赤褐色的辫子都会很生动起伏摆动,这可能需要团队几个月的时间来建模。”

Onlookers were mesmerized by the beautiful rows of lavender undulating across the field


Did You Know?

Undulate and inundate (“to cover something with a flood of water”) are word cousins that flow from unda, the Latin word for “wave.” No surprise there. But would you have guessed that abound, surround, and redound are also unda offspring? While their modern definitions have nothing to do with waves or water, at some point in their early histories, they all meant “to overflow,” and caught a wave from there.

Undulate and inundate (“洪水淹没”)都源自 unda ,它的拉丁语含义“ wave「波浪」”。 毫无疑问,你会猜到 abund、surround 和 redound 也是 unda 的衍生词吗? 虽然它们的现在与波浪无关,但在他们早时候都用作“to overflow「溢出」”,and caught a wave from there。

Word Family Quiz

Fill in the blanks to complete a word derived from Latin unda that refers to a water nymph: und _ _ _.

