




植物叶片的主要作用是通过光合作用(photosynthesis)获得树木生长所需要的糖分,碳水化合物等养料。作为叶片进行光合作用的场所,叶绿体中不但含有使叶片呈现绿色的叶绿素(chlorophyll )而且还含有可以让叶片呈现黄色的类胡萝卜素(carotenoids)。夏日里,叶片中叶绿素含量高,所以鲜亮的绿色盖过了黄色。随着气温的下降和白昼时间变短,叶绿素被大量分解掉,这时,淹没在树叶里的类胡萝卜素等其他色素就会显露出来。


A final touch of color

Leaves turned the most amazing colors of orange and red and yellow in autumn. Scientists understand why summer leaves are green and why they change to yellow or orange in the autumn. But autumn reds are different. Some leaves turn red. Others don’t. But for most plants, the red color, anthocyanin, has not been hiding.

Actually,trees use up a lot of energy to make anthocyanin. So it has always been a mystery why they would go to all of that trouble at a time when they should be “going to sleep” for the winter. Trees that don’t make anthocyanins seem to naturally live in places with lots of “food”. Scientists suspect the anthocyanins may lie in the soil after the leaves drop, fertilizing the tree in the spring. The mystery isn’t solved yet, but scientists are a few steps closer!