


1.Edie Britt could never understand why she didn't have any female friends.

Edie Britt永远都不会明白为什么她一个女性朋友都没有

female adj. 女性的;雌性的;柔弱的

2.Of course, she always tried to tell people she didn't need any,


but the truth was, it bothered Edie that other women didn't seem to like her.


3.Even after moving to Wisteria Lane.

甚至搬到Wisteria Lane之后…

4.Edie couldn't understand why her neighbors kept their distance.


5.And then she met Martha Huber.

后来她遇到了Martha Huber.

6.Within five minutes, Mrs. Huber managed to disparage what Edie was wearing.


disparage vt. 轻视;贬低;批评;非难

7.In fact, whenever they got together, Mrs. Huber insulted her.


8.She made fun of everything from Edie's makeup to her taste in men.


makeup n. 化妆品 make up 动词词组,意思:化妆,构成,弥补,编造

9.Yes, Martha Huber could be cruel, offensive, and downright mean.

是的,Martha Huber可说是尖酸刻薄,冒犯无礼的,一毛不拔

downright adv.彻底地;完全地adj.彻底的 mean.adj. 吝啬的

10.But Edie didn't care, because she was the first real friend Edie Britt had ever had.

但是Edie并不介意,因为她是Edie Britt第一个真正的朋友

11.But now Martha Huber was missing.

但现在Martha Huber失踪

12.She had vanished without a trace, and Edie was not embarrassed to admit, she needed her back.像是人间蒸发了一样。Eide毫不讳言,她需要她回来

vanish: 消失,突然不见 without a trace: 无影无踪地 trace: 踪迹,痕迹 embarrassed: 尴尬的,窘迫的 admit: 承认

13.Oh nothing's wrong; it's just that Martha always said how alike you two were.

哦, 没什么. 只是Martha一直说你们两个很相像。

14.I just don't see the family resemblance.


resemblance: 相像、相似

15.It's there. It just takes a while to become apparent. 那的确有,时间久了你就可以看出来。apparent: 明显的、表面上的

16.Do you have the key to her house?


17. I do. After the police kicked the door in, they put on this temporary lock.


temporary: 暂时的、临时的 lock: 锁、闩我有。

18.Oh, and by the way, the neighbors are coming over at noon.


come over: 过来、来访

19.We're going to organize and hand out fliers.


be going to: 将要、打算 organize: 组织、安排 hand out: 分发、散发 flier: 传单

20.You know, I can only imagine how worried you must be.

哦, 对了我知道你现在非常的担心。

21. I'm not worried, Edie. Martha and I had a very intense bond.

我不担心,Edie 我们姐妹的联系非同寻常。

22.We were connected at the most primal level, and a few days ago, I felt this sensation in my soul.


24.That's when it first dawned on me that something had happened to my sister.


dawned on me我明白

happen to sb.: 发生在…身上 sister: 姐妹

25.And when she didn't arrive at my home as scheduled, well, that's when I knew she was dead.


arrive at: 到达、抵达(小地方) as scheduled: 如期schedule: 排定,安排

26.Oh, honey, no! You mustn't think like that! Martha's only missing!


missing: 失踪的、下落不明哦,

27.No, Edie, she's dead.


28.But she's my sister, and I'm going to find out exactly what happened to her.


be going to: 将要、打算 find out: 找出、查明 exactly: 完全的、全然

29.Look, Felicia, it's natural to freak out when a loved one is missing.


natural: 自然的、正常的 freak out: 吓坏了、行为反常 love:爱、喜爱

30.Loved one? Oh, Edie let me be clear about this.Edie,


clear: 澄清、弄清楚我爱的人?

31.I hated Martha. She was a wretched pig of a woman


wretched: 讨厌的,可恨的 pig: 猪

32.And the day she died, this world became a better place.


33.It was in that moment that Edie finally saw the family resemblance.


family resemblance

As they smile, the family resemblance is striking. 他们笑起来时,真像一家人。
