反意疑问句:陈述句部分 附加疑问尾句


对于反意疑问句的回答,一般用yes 或no。但是当陈述句部分为否定式,尾句用肯定式的时候,要根据事实作出肯定还是否定的回答。这时候似乎与汉语的回答是相反的。这是因为汉语的习惯是先对别人说的话作出是与否的回答,再说事实,而英语则只针对事实。英语的回答,要么是肯定,要么是否定,不可能前一半肯定,后一半否定。


1.It's very hot in your country right now,isn't it? 现在在你们国家天很热,不是吗?

2.He is never late for school,is he?


3.You are from America ,aren't you?


4.He likes playing basketball,doesn't he?他喜欢打篮球,不是吗?

5.You know Mr.Smith,don't you?


6.He can't swim,can he?他不会游泳,对吧?

7.There is a boat in the river ,isn't there?河里有只小船,不是吗?

8.Jane will come tomorrow,won't she?


9.You 've done your homework,haven't you?你已经做好作业了,对吗?

10.They used to write to you,didn't /usedn't they?他们以前常给你写信,是吗?

11.I am late,aren't I ?我来晚了,是不是?

12.They must clean the room,mustn't/needn't they ? 他们必须清洁房间,是吗?

13.We mustn't be late ,must/may we?


14.They must be playing outside,aren't they?他们肯定在外面玩,对吗?

15.You must have heard about it ,haven't you?你一定听说过这事,不是吗?

16.We ought to go now,shouldn't /oughtn't we ?我们应该现在去,对吗?

17.She has to get up early,doesn't she? 她必须早起,对吗?

18.You need to do it,don't you?你需要做这个,对吗?

19.You daren't go there by yourself,dare you?你不敢自己一个人去那里,是吗?

20.Stop the noise,will you?别吵了,行不行?

21.Get me some food,can you?给我一点食物,可以吗?

22.Don't forget it ,will you?别忘了它,好吗?

23.I wish to go home now,may I?我想现在回家,行吗?

24.Let's go ,shall we?我们走,好吗?

25.Let's not go fishing,all right/OK?


26.What you said is wrong,isn't it?


27.To learn English well isn't easy ,is it ? 学好英语不容易,是吗?

28.I believe he can find her nowhere,can he?我相信他在哪里都找不到她,不是吗?

29.I don't think he is the suitable man for the job,is he?我想他不适合那工作,不是吗?

30.Your brother thinks you can do the job well,doesn't he? 你哥认为你能做好这工作,不是吗?(注意:主语不是第一人称时,附加疑问句的主语同主句一致。)

31.He hardly exercises,does he?他几乎不锻炼,是吗?

32.Your father seldom smoked,did he?你父亲很少抽烟,对吗?

33.He is unfit for the job,isn't he?他不适合这份工作,不是吗?(注意:主句中出现否定词缀的词,尾句仍是用否定式!)

34.Everyone knows his job,doesn't he/don't they? 每个人都知道自己的工作,对吗?

35.This is very important,isn't it? 这很重要,不是吗?

36.One can't be too careful,can you/one?一个人再小心也不为过,对吗?

37.What a nice day ,isn't it?天气真好!不是吗?

38.He is a teacher but his wife is not a teacher,is she?他是老师但他妻子不是,对吗?(注意:尾句的主语与最接近的分句中的主语一致!)

