there be 句型及时态归纳总结

There be句型是初中英语中考的一个重要考点之一。

基本结构为“There be 某物(某人) 某地(某时)”


如:There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有一张画。

There are two beds in the room. 房间里有两张床。

一、基本句型There be结构如下:

1.There is 单数可数名词 地点状语 There is a pen on the table. 桌子上有一支笔。

2.There is 不可数名词 地点状语 There is some milk in the bowl. 碗里有些牛奶。

3.There are 复数名词 地点状语 There are some books in the desk. 书桌里有些书。

二、 There be选择就近原则:

There be句型是就近原则,也是需要提醒学生多注意的地方。

There be句型中be动词的单复数形式由最挨近的主语的单复数决定。

如:There is a ball and two tennis bats on the floor.

there be句型用法口诀           

there be句型有特点,主语跟在be后。  


多个主语并列时, 就近原则莫要忘。  





1.肯定句:There is an orange on the tree.

否定句:There isn’t an orange on the tree.

疑问句:Is there an orange on the tree? 肯定回答: Yes, there is. 否定回答: No, there isn’t.

2. 肯定句:There are four rulers on the desk.

否定句:There aren’t four rulers on the desk.

疑问句: Are there four rulers on the desk? 肯定回答: Yes, there are. 否定回答: No, there aren’t.

3. 肯定句 There is some bread in the plate. (面包是不可数名词)

否定句:There isn’t any bread in the plate.

否定句 Is there any water in the plate? 肯定回答: Yes, there is. 否定回答: No, there isn’t.

三、there be句型的时态解析

there be句式的时态由其中的谓语动词be来体现,它可以有等多种时态形式。

1. 一般现在时:   There is/ are 某物(某人)----

a. There is nothing to be done now. 现在没有办法了。 

b. There are some vegetables in the fridge. 冰箱里有一些蔬菜。 

c. If there is any problem, let them know. 如果有什么问题,可以通知他们。

2. 一般过去时:  There was/were 某物(某人)----

a. There was something wrong with his bike yesterday. 昨天他的自行车出了问题。 

b. There was a wallet on the desk just now. 刚才桌子上有个钱包。

3. 一般将来时:  There will be 某物(某人)----

There is/are going to be 某物(某人)----

a. There’s going to be trouble. 要出事了。 

b. There will be rain next week. 下星期要下雨。

c. But along with difficulties, there will also be many exciting things waiting for you.


4. 一般过去将来时态: There would be 某物(某人)----

There was/were going to be 某物(某人)----

a. Tom didn’t say that there would be a meeting.

b. He told me that there was going to a talk show the next day.

c. There would never again be a love such as she had felt for Alex. 


5. 现在完成时:  There have/has been 某物(某人)----

a. There have been a lot of changes in our village .我们村发生了许多变化。   

b. There hasn’t been any rain for a week. 一周没有下雨了。 

c. There has been an increase in the number of road incidents recently. 


6. 过去完成时 : There had been 某物(某人)---

  There had been two sea fights between them by the end of last month. 


7. 情态动词:There 情态动词 be 某物(某人)---

There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.



