4.user agent细节处理
扫描目标:metasploitable linux
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- __author__ = "yiqing" import sys import threading import random from queue import queue from optparse import optionparser try : import requests except exception: print "[!] you need to install requests module!" print "[!] usage:pip install requests" exit() class webdirscan: """ web目录扫描器 """ def __init__( self , options): self .url = options.url self .file_name = options.file_name self .count = options.count class dirscan(threading.thread): """ 多线程 """ def __init__( self , queue, total): threading.thread.__init__( self ) self ._queue = queue self ._total = total def run( self ): while not self ._queue.empty(): url = self ._queue.get() # 多线程显示进度 threading.thread(target = self .msg).start() try : r = requests.get(url = url, headers = get_user_agent(), timeout = 5 ) if r.status_code = = 200 : sys.stdout.write( '\r' + '[+]%s\t\t\n' % url) # 保存到本地文件,以html的格式 result = open ( 'result.html' , 'a+' ) result.write( '<a href="' + url + '" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">' + url + '</a>' ) result.write( '\r\n</br>' ) result.close() except exception: pass def msg( self ): """ 显示进度 :return:none """ per = 100 - float ( self ._queue.qsize()) / float ( self ._total) * 100 percent = "%s finished| %s all| scan in %1.f %s" % ( ( self ._total - self ._queue.qsize()), self ._total, per, '%' ) sys.stdout.write( '\r' + '[*]' + percent) def start( self ): result = open ( 'result.html' , 'w' ) result.close() queue = queue() f = open ( 'dict.txt' , 'r' ) for i in f.readlines(): queue.put( self .url + "/" + i.rstrip( '\n' )) total = queue.qsize() threads = [] thread_count = int ( self .count) for i in range (thread_count): threads.append( self .dirscan(queue, total)) for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() def get_user_agent(): """ user agent的细节处理 :return: """ user_agent_list = [ { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/4.0 (mozilla/4.0; msie 7.0; windows nt 5.1; fdm; sv1; .net clr 3.0.04506.30)' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 8.0; windows nt 6.0; en) opera 11.00' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/5.0 (x11; u; linux i686; de; rv: gecko/2008092313 ubuntu/8.04 (hardy) firefox/3.0.2' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/5.0 (x11; u; linux i686; en-gb; rv: gecko/20101027 fedora/3.5.15-1.fc12 firefox/3.5.15' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/5.0 (x11; u; linux i686; en-us) applewebkit/534.10 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/8.0.551.0 safari/534.10' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/5.0 (x11; u; linux i686; en-us; rv: gecko/2008092809 gentoo firefox/3.0.2' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/5.0 (x11; u; linux x86_64; en-us) applewebkit/534.10 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/7.0.544.0' }, { 'user-agent' : 'opera/9.10 (windows nt 5.2; u; en)' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu os 3_2 like mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/531.21.10 (khtml, like gecko)' }, { 'user-agent' : 'opera/9.80 (x11; u; linux i686; en-us; rv: presto/2.2.15 version/10.10' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/5.0 (windows; u; windows nt 5.1; ru-ru) applewebkit/533.18.1 (khtml, like gecko) version/5.0.2 safari/533.18.5' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/5.0 (windows; u; windows nt 5.1; ru; rv:1.9b3) gecko/2008020514 firefox/3.0b3' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; u; ppc mac os x 10_4_11; fr) applewebkit/533.16 (khtml, like gecko) version/5.0 safari/533.16' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; u; intel mac os x 10_6_6; en-us) applewebkit/534.20 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/11.0.672.2 safari/534.20' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 8.0; windows nt 6.1; wow64; trident/4.0; slcc2; .net clr 2.0.50727; infopath.2)' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 6.0; x11; linux x86_64; en) opera 9.60' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; u; intel mac os x 10_6_2; en-us) applewebkit/533.4 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/5.0.366.0 safari/533.4' }, { 'user-agent' : 'mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.0; u; en; rv:1.8.1) gecko/20061208 firefox/2.0.0 opera 9.51' } ] return random.choice(user_agent_list) def main(): """ 主函数 :return: none """ print ''' ____ _ ____ | _ \(_)_ __/ ___| ___ __ _ _ __ | | | | | '__\___ \ / __/ _` | '_ \ | |_| | | | ___) | (_| (_| | | | | |____/|_|_| |____/ \___\__,_|_| |_| welcome to webdirscan version:1.0 author: %s ''' % __author__ parser = optionparser( 'python -u <target url> -f <dictionary file name> [-t <thread_count>]' ) parser.add_option( '-u' , '--url' , dest = 'url' , type = 'string' , help = 'target url for scan' ) parser.add_option( '-f' , '--file' , dest = 'file_name' , type = 'string' , help = 'dictionary filename' ) parser.add_option( '-t' , '--thread' , dest = 'count' , type = 'int' , default = 10 , help = 'scan thread count' ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.url and options.file_name: dirscan = webdirscan(options) dirscan.start() sys.exit( 1 ) else : parser.print_help() sys.exit( 1 ) if __name__ = = '__main__' : main() |
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