
With just one season to go before The Strainconcludes next year, we figured that the show’s identity was more or less locked in. The showrunners had picked an approach and the result was the slightly goofy, sometimes entertaining survival drama that most viewers had seemingly embraced anyway. So, it’s a little curious baffling that — of all the times to make a bold decision one way or the other — the series made its season 3 finale, ‘The Fall’, its true turning point.离《血族》结局就只有一季了,我们可以发现这部剧或多或少有些局限。制作人找到一个方法,结果显得稍微有些愚蠢,有时令人喜欢的这些剧作,大部分的观众不管怎样都能接受。因此,有些让人费解——总是做出一些大胆的决定——《血族》第三季最终集名为“陨落”,确实改变了我们的观点。

While the finale’s ending won’t be a shock to readers of the source novels, the abrupt tonal shift the series takes with a literal flick of a switch is felt immediately. We can’t be sure of what’s to come in season 4, but after seeing New York City — a city our survivors fought so hard to protect — leveled in an instant by a nuclear blast, it’s hard to imagine The Straingoing for a fun or campy vibe any longer.尽管结尾对原小说观众来讲不会让人惊叹,这突然增高的一个调子立马就将文字的轻弹转变成一种直观感觉。我们不能确信第四季会发生什么,但是在看过纽约——我们这些救援者那么努力去保护——在一场核爆炸中变为平地,很难想象《血族》将会有怎么的乐趣或者装模作样的氛围。

The Strainseason 4 will premiere on FX in 2017.《血族》第四季将于2017年在FX首播。

