Knowing about thousand-year history of communication between Hunan and Africa



A restored model and painting of the Arabian merchant ship"Black Stone"



The Changsha Kiln bowls with flying birds on the“Black Stone”

红网时刻记者 肖娟 报道



People with common aspirations are not far away from mountains and seas.

China and Africa have a long history of friendship. Hunan is an important stop on the long road of friendship. Hunan and Africa have ever kept many memorial moments of friendship.


In 1998, an Arabian merchant ship "Black Stone" was found in Indonesian waters and more than 50,000 pieces of Changsha Kiln porcelain werepulled out. This batch of porcelain leavethe earliest traces of Hunan-Africa communication.


China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo was settled in Hunan Province in 2018. The first China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo is held in Changsha on June 27, 2019. Just as the ship Black Stone renewsits sailing 1,200 years ago, the friendship between China and Africa has stood the test of time.


Hunan and Africa continue to flourish friendship



Yuan Longping (first from the right) and then-Secretary-General of Ministry of Agriculture of Madagascar (third from the left) and then-Director-General of Administration of Agriculture of Madagascar (second from the left) investigate the field of hybrid rice in Changsha.


Africans say that China has two well-known figures in Africa. One is Chairman Mao, who helped African people stand up for independence; the other one is Yuan Longping, who solved the problem of food shortage for African people.


Yuan Longping has changed the world with “a single seed" which fundamentally increased the agricultural production in Africa. What has changed Africa is the flourishing friendship between Hunan and Africa.


Since 1982 Changsha joined hands with Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo, Hunan has been engaged in the cities of friendship with Africa for 37 years. In these years, the exchanges between provinces and cities have brought Hunan and Africa closer together on the road of win-win cooperation.


In recent years, Hunan has sent invitations to more African friends. Atthe end of June 2018, Hunan and Oromia State of Ethiopia officially became sister cities. Up to now, Hunan have eight sister cities in Africa, two at the provincial level and six at the municipal level.


The flourishing friendship has brought Hunan and Africa closer and closer.


Projects interpret deep friendship between Hunan and Africa



On March 17, 2017, the first session of the Teacher Training Program for South Sudan was officially launched. Ambassador of South Sudan to China, Presidential education adviser of South Sudan, deputy Minister of Education of South Sudan and Gong Shuguang, chairman of China South Publishing and Media Group attended the opening ceremony.


In the past, the word "aid" appeared frequently in the relations with Africa. Today, when it comes to topics related to Africa, the key words are "promoting cooperation" and "expanding consensus".


In Rwanda, Kenya-subsidized housing project the country's largest-ever housing project will be built into prefabricated buildings developed and constructed by Broad Homes Industrial Company from Hunan.


Ethiopia & Hunan Industrial Park will build Adama City of Ethiopia into an industrial new city integrating industrial manufacturing, export processing, business service and other functions, and it will become a new mode for Hunan province’s overseas economic and trade parks in Africa.

Mauritanian Sugar Company has signed a contract with Hunan Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. to create a "Sweet Town" with African characteristics, and Mauritania will gradually become an exporter instead of an importer of sugar products.


At the same time, cultural exchanges are continuously promoted between Hunan and Africa.


China South Publishing and Media Group has tailored a national education system for South Sudan, which is the first of its kind from China. With humanistic and artisan spirit, China South Publishing and Media Group promotes the projects in accordance with quality, quantity and schedule, making them become referential and propagable examples for foreign cultural exchanges.


By the end of 2018, Hunan had trained nearly 20,000 government officials and technicians from 133 countries and regions, of whom nearly 50 percent were from Africa.


At present, there are a total of 1,102 African students inthe universities of Hunan province. Six universities including Xiangtan University have signed cooperation agreements with the universities in Africa. Vocational colleges in Hunan province have conducted overseas training for employees in the enterprises from Africa, with a total of 4,254 persons trained in the past three years.


Hunan and Africa draw closer to know each other.


Hunan manufacturing and Hunan e-commerce write a new chapter in Africa



Kilimall, a China-Africa e-commerce platform in Kenya, has built the most advanced warehouse management system in Africa. One-day delivery is first realized from the local logistics to the core cities in Africa.


Since 2005, the import and export trade between Hunan and Africa has maintained an annual growth rate of more than 20%, and the bilateral trade volume reached 2.1 billion US dollars in 2017.


Ina farm in Nigeria, a diesel rotary tiller from Shuangfeng County (known as the "home of Chinese agricultural machinery") in Hunan Province, ploughed 30 mu of land in just six hours. There are 120 equipment from Sany Heavy Industryusedin the projects of Mombasa Nairobi Railway which is called "century railway" by Kenyans. In the Bahadal Marcos road project in Ethiopia, Hunan Communications and Water Conservancy Group has created a "China speed" bylaying 100 km of asphalt road surface in a single dry season. Ghana Bouvet Hydropower Station, built by Sinohydro Bureau 8, Co Ltd. generates 1 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, and it effectively guarantees the daily life and production forthe Ghanaian people. A group of young people from Hunan have created Africa's first e-commerce platform in the name of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak.


In 2018, Hunan's import and export volume to Africa reached 18.15 billion RMB. Hunan's mechanical and electrical products, clothing boxes and bags, wigs and cigarette lighters soldverywell in Africa, while mineral resources, coffee and red wines flew into Hunan from Africa.



On the afternoon of June 11 2019, the debut flight ceremony from Changsha to Nairobi was held at Changsha Huanghua International Airport. The one-way flight time from Changsha to Nairobi is 11.5 hours, and the round-trip flight time is about 24 hours.


In June this year, a new direct flight from Changsha to Nairobi was opened, and there are no hard-to-reach places between Hunan and Africa.


When the first China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo is held in Changsha, China and Hunan become more open to the world; crossing the mountains and oceans, we are working with African people to realize our dreams together.


Other incomplete records of the friendship between Hunan and Africa


In 1962, Hunan tea was successfully cultivated in Mali, which recorded the history of tea cultivation in the African continent.


In 1973, Hunan sent the first medical team to Sierra Leone. So far, it has sent 31 batches of 368 persons, for treating one million patients, performing 200,000 operations, and training a large number of professionals for Africa.


In 1978, Xiangtan University established the Africa Research Office, and in 2005, the African Law and Society Research Center was established on this basis.


In 1982, Changsha joined hands with Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo, as sister cities.


In 1999, Hunan University accepted 10 African students from Mali and Benin for the first time. At present, there are 1,102 African students in the universities in Hunan province.


In 2000, HunanShenron Industrial Company established Algiers Shenron Co., Ltd. in Algeria, which opened the start of Hunan investment in Africa.


Since 2000, Hunan Province and Northern Cape Province of South Africa, Changsha City and Brazzaville city of Congo, Entebbe City of Uganda, Zhuzhou City and Pietermaritzburg City of South Africa have become sister provinces (cities).


In 2004, Hunan hosted the Hunan & Africa Art Festival in Changsha. Professional art groups from nine African countries performed splendidly with Hunan artists.


In 2008, Changsha University of Science and Technology established a Confucius Institute in Libya.


From 2008 to 2009, China's firstforeign-aidTaining Base for Hybrid Rice Technologyand the Research and Training Base for International Commercial Officials of the Ministry of Commerce settled in Hunan. Among the foreign-aid trainingofficialsin Hunan, morethan 75 percent of themwerefrom African countries.


In 2009, Hunan hosted the Ministerial ForumonChineseHybrid Rice China-Africa Cooperation. Since the reform and opening up, Hunan has undertaken more than 30 African agricultural cooperation projects.


From 2015 to 2018, Hunan hosted the major trade activities with Africa, including Africanenvoysin ChinatoHunan.


In 2017, Hunan signedLetter of Intent with Oromia State of Ethiopia and Crossriver state of Nigeria for sister provinces/states.


In 2018, China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo was settled in Hunan.


In March2018, Hunan enterprisesinvested 120 projects in Africa, with a contractual investmentamountof 760 millionUS dollars.


In August 2018, China South Publishing and Media Group and South Sudan education project was concluded, and Hunan was awarded as "South Sudan's Ambassador Province for Cultural Promotion in China".


On June 27, 2019, the first China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo is held in Changsha City.
