许多宝宝的英语启蒙动画片都是《peppa pig》,不过光是傻傻看就够了吗?来看如何高效get动画片中的常用句型和短语!
1. “该回家啦” home time(别再用time to go home了)
2. “进去” in you go(别再用you go in了)
3. “钻到帐篷里去” into the tent(去掉go后神清气爽)
4. “妈妈抱你起来” up you go(别再用let mommy pickyou up了)
5. “给妈妈” to mommy
6. “我去姥姥家啦” I am off to visit grandma
7. “我不希望你弄得全身都是泥" I don't want you covered in mud
8. "不会那么快就下雨的" the rain is a long way off
9. "你得擦点防晒霜" you need some sun cream on
10."带的够多了" That's enough packing
1. 帮妈妈把购物袋里的东西拿出来Help me unpack the shopping
2. 帮妈妈装袋Help me pack the shopping
3. 我们进不去的(空间太小了)we won't all fit in
4. 再往里挪一点move further in
(相比身体其他部位)你的肚子长得最大your tummy has grown the most of all
5. 收拾收拾let's do some tidying up.
6. 拍手拍手let's do some clapping
7. 唱不了歌I can't do singing!
8. 这个不需要技巧No skill involved
9. 你俩去吧run along you two
10. 好多东西啊What a lot of stuff,好吵啊What a lot of noises
11. 怎样才能不打嗝How to cure hiccups(以前只会用stop),嗝停了The hiccups have gone
12. 我去开水龙头I will turn on the water
13. 挥手Wave your arms up and down(以前用的是shake)
14. 肚子咕咕叫my tummy rumbling is one of the best sounds of nature
15. 摩擦起火rubbing the sticks together
16. 用桶接漏下来的水 use the bucket to catch the drips
1. (例如电池装上后小鸭子不动)没动静啊It's not doing anything(以前只会说nothing happens)
2. 哪儿都找不到Teddy bear isn't anywhere(以前只会用can’t find it anywhere)
3.(游乐场里)玩一局含五圈Five times is one around(以前不敢说)
4. 看看你力气多大test your strength
5. 他把啥都叫恐龙He says dinosaur for everything.
6. 跟弟弟玩的时候动作要小一点you mustn't play roughly with your brother
7. 跟你的小恐龙一块睡吧Mr. Dinosaur is tucked up with you.
8. 看你爸这个老专家是怎么干活的Watch an expert at work!
9. 你看你还是吃得下的嘛you seem to have your appetite back!
10. 叫大家都来吃饭啦can you call everyone to lunch?
1. 看把你热的You are all red and hot!
2. 防晒霜好油好恶心啊It's all oily and yucky!
3. 你完全弄错了You are doing it all wrong!
4. 这下子全身干干爽爽啦there you are, all dry(all nice anddry)!
1. 帐篷支起来Pegs hold the tent up
2. 把汤热开heat up the soup on the campfire
3. 打扫干净let's clean up(quickly)
4. 收拾整齐tidy up(the tools)
5. 挂起来put up the picture
6. 蒸干了Puddles have dried up
卷尺tape measure
花瓣flower pedal
室外游乐场fun fair
充气游泳池paddling pool
玩跳棋play draughts
看Peppa Pig时经常被语言的简洁之美震撼,感到简洁比地道更难!这是为什么呢?爱因斯坦说过If you can’t explain it simply, you don’tunderstand it well enough。因为简洁语言的背后是深厚的语法功底,而地道只消记忆便可做到,颤抖吧!
1. 我们应该去花园找找看。去掉什么go啊find啊直接garden好吗?We should try the garden!顺便复习一下,“还没找到吗?”怎么说地道?还记得上篇笔记吗?Still no luck是也?
2. 我们也该回家/去学校/走了。亲,四个词搞定!Time for us too!简单吧!再顺便复习下,“回家啦”的简洁版还记得吗?Home time!
3. 是哦。谁在说Soga?雅蠛蝶!So it is是也。
4. 欢欢,接球!To you Suzy!打偏了!没接着!Ball missed!进球了goal!这球不算(The goal is) not allowed!
5. 在外面玩真好it's great to be outdoors。
6. (火车、轮船、飞机、热气球)都上来吧!Aboard!Allaboard!Hop aboard!All aboard for the(balloon/train)ride!
1. 车堵了半小时终于动了!主语用什么?Cars?谁说traffic一定只能是“交通”!The traffic is moving again!
2. 土豆还要再煮一会The potatoes need a bit morecooking。这个要剪短一点It needs cutting。Need出马,大家颤抖吧!
3. 螃蟹把手夹到了!用哪个词?Pinch是也!谁说pinch只能是“拧”和“揪”?顺便get一下“get”系列:别夹到手了Don’t get pinched。小心会烫着you could get burnt。别弄伤了Don’t get hurt。你咋把衣服弄脏了How did your clothes get dirty?弟弟好像被小朋友们孤立了He seems to be left out。说到“别夹到手”思维又发散了,想到地铁里的keep clear of the door(请勿倚靠门),keep clear本意是“保持距离”、“请勿靠近”。
1. (在地下室)好深啊It's too far down。下雨还早着呢The rain is too far off。一个介词就搞定,我颤抖了!
2. 用手电筒照我point this torch on me!美语的是flashlight。
3. 让我来吧leave it to me
4. 边唱边跳dance to their song。跟着音乐起舞dance to music。大妈们跟着扩音器里的音乐跳广场舞they are dancing to the loud music over theloudspeaker。
5. (听海好浪漫)把贝壳放在耳朵跟前put a shell to your ear。不要再用其他莫名其妙的词了。
6. 潜到池底swim underwater。跟潜水diving不一样啊!
7. 我们上山吧let’s go uphill,我们下山吧let’s go downhill。
8. 螃蟹横着走Crabs walk sideways。
9. (游泳时)扒住这块浮板hold onto this float。Float不是游泳圈,游泳圈是swim ring。
10. (圣诞老人)从上面爬进来climb in through the top。
1. 好幸运!What a stroke of luck!
2. (机场)放到行李称重带上pop it on the scales。Scales是秤(天地之间有杆秤,那秤砣是老百姓…跑题了)
3. 我们到那排队吧let's join the queue over there
4. 自己发明游戏(不含贬义)make up our games自己编故事(褒义和贬义均可)make up your own story
5. 到底要多久啊How long will that be exactly?
6. 开机了吗is it switched on?
7. 上发条wind up 或者do winding up
8. 我开玩笑呢I was teasing!
9. 她在镜子前面臭美she is admiring herself in the mirror(不完全是臭美的意思,还在努力寻找地道的“臭美”之表达)。
10. 有问题的电缆faultyelectrical cables
1. 我们在玩“不许出声”的游戏we are playing being quiet。
2. 我在装护士I am not a real nurse, it's just pretend.
3. 我们在假装野餐play picnics。
4. 假水pretend water。假蛋糕pretend cake。假果汁pretend juice。
1. Beach,seaside和seashore有区别吗?其实不完全一样的(较真脸)。Beach(沙滩)最常见了,蓝天白沙那种,而且不是非得在海边,河边也可以哒it is an area of sand beside the sea orlake。Seaside一般泛指度假海滩(请注意“度假”二字强行居中加粗加黑自带出场音乐了)。 Seashore就是海滩了。
2. Aquarium有两种用法,一个是水族馆,一个是家里或水族馆里用来展示的鱼箱(也可以用fish tank,一般指普通小型玻璃鱼缸)。
3. 各种船来啦!第2季第11集the boat pond里出现了各种船。sail boat帆船(the wind makes it go along),speedboat快艇(各类湖面上常见),paper boat纸船,paddle boat脚踩船(公园常见天鹅造型!)。lever是控制杆。
4. 关于picnic,以前只知道picnic是野餐,其实可以更具体一点说picnic brunch或者picnic lunch或者picnic dinner。好多人选择在那边野餐呢It’s a popular picnic spot/picnic area。
5. 关于armband,有三个意思,一个是学游泳时用的充气臂圈(国内不太常见吧?),一个是手环(比如小米计步手环),还有一个则是袖章(居委会老太太)。
6. 硬纸板cardboard。硬纸板盒cardboard box。
7. Wheelbarrow就是搬砖神器独轮手推车,路边施工常见。
8. toycupboard玩具柜
9. birdseed鸟食
10. secret words暗号
11. slime污泥,粘液(想起了鼻涕mucus,流鼻涕则是nose is running后者have a runny nose)。algae海藻(注意发音“艾尔吉”)
12. x-ray machine安检机器(安检是security check)
13. clockwork齿轮发条装置
14. signal box铁路上的信号房
15. lawn mower除草机
16. racquet球拍