听儿歌,磨耳朵精选节奏感、韵律感强的趣味儿歌,今天小编就来聊一聊关于hokey pockey英语儿歌教学?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!

hokey pockey英语儿歌教学(英文启蒙儿歌唱跳)

hokey pockey英语儿歌教学




这首The Hokey Pokey是国外非常经典的游戏儿歌,各大幼儿园和早教机构都喜欢用这首歌来让小朋友们活动起来。大家一起围成一个圈,跟着歌曲做动作,唱到in,就把相应的身体部位伸进圈内,唱到out,再把相应部位撤出来,唱到shake,就摇一摇,每段最后的动作都不太一样,但都非常简单易学。


You put one hand in.把一只手伸进来

You put one hand out.一只手伸出去

You put one hand in.把一只手伸进来

And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.你摇摇摇

You do the Hokey Pokeyand turn around.你变个戏法转个圈

Everybody turn around.大家都转个圈

You put two hands in. 把两只手放进来

You put two hands out. 两只手放出去

You put two hands in .把两只手放进来

And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. 你摇摇摇

You do the Hokey Pokey and clap your hands.你变个戏法拍拍手

Everybody clap your hands. 大家都来拍拍手

You put one foot in. 你把一只脚放进来

You put one foot out. 一只脚出去

You put one foot in. 你把一只脚放进来

And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. 你摇摇摇

You do the Hokey Pokey and sit down. 你变个戏法坐下来

Everybody please sit down. 大家都请坐下来

You put two feet in. 你把两只脚伸进来

You put two feet out. 两只脚伸出去

You put two feet in.两只脚伸进来

And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. 你摇摇摇

You do the Hokey Pokey and stand up. 你变个戏法站起来

Everybody please stand up. 大家都站起来

You put your head in. 把你的头伸进来

You put your head out. 把你的头伸出去

You put your head in. 把你的头伸进来

And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. 你摇摇摇

You do the Hokey Pokey and sing a song. 你变个戏法唱个歌

Everybody please sing a song. 大家都请唱个歌

You put your backside in. 把你的后背转进来

You put your backside out. 后背转出去

You put your backside in. 后背转进来

And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. 你摇摇摇

You do the Hokey Pokey and be quiet. 你变个戏法安静下来

Everybody please be quiet. Shh~大家请安静下来

You put your whole self in. 你整个人都进来

You put your whole self out. 整个人出去

You put your whole self in. 整个人进来

And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. 你来摇摇摇

You do the Hokey Pokey and take a bow. 变个戏法,鞠个躬

Everybody take a bow. 大家都鞠个躬。


make a circle 围成一个圈

turn around 转圈

sit down 坐下

stand up 站起来

clap your hands 拍拍手

sing a song 唱首歌

be quiet “嘘”安静

take a bow 鞠个躬
