



produce 这个词是生产的意思,它是一个动词。

And guess how many nouns it has?

three nouns.

The first one:product. [it means 产品] product 是一个可数名词

And the second one, producer, also可数名词 [it means 生产者;制造者]

And the last one:production, it is an uncountable noun.[it means 产量],

production 产量的意思,它是一个不可数名词

and produce,it also has two adjectives.

the first one:productive. 可以达到生产目标的;高产的

and the second one:counterproductive. 达不到生产目标的

OK, so now, let’s review the words

the verb 'produce' has three nouns:product,producer,and production.

it has two adjectives: productive, counterproductive.

And now let’s put them all in one sentence.

The productive producer has produced many products, whichis why his production is never counterproductive. 这个高产的生产者生产了很多产品,也就是为什么他的产量从来不会不达标!

