

Lesson 14 A noble gangster



1. noble adj. (nobler, noblest)

1. having fine personal qualities that people admire, such as courage, honesty and care for others崇高的;品质高尚的

a noble leader伟大的领袖

He died for a noble cause.他为了高尚的事业而牺牲。

2. 出身高贵的人n. a person who comes from a family of high social rank; a member of the nobility出身高贵的人;贵族成员a man of noble birth

nobility [nəu'biliti] n. 1. (the nobility) 贵族 2. [u] (fml) the quality of being noble in character 高贵的品质

2. pay (paid, paid)

(1) Vt. 支付,付钱给,为某件东西或某项服务付钱用pay for

那条裙子你付了多少钱?How much did you pay for that dress?

你付给面包师多少钱?How much did you pay the baker?

我来付你修理费。Let me pay you for the repair. 付某人钱用pay sb.,为某事付某人钱时用pay sb. for sth. 但付账单时用pay a bill, 如:

我已付了账单。I have paid the bill.

(2) vi. 付款,交款

我将用支票付款。 I’ll pay by cheque.(AmE check).

杰克付了饮料钱。Jack paid for the drinks.

3. sum [sʌm] n.

(1) [c, (of)] an amount (of money)金额

I had to spend a large sum/large sums of money to get it back.我得花一大笔[大笔大笔的]钱才把它弄回来。

(2) the total produced when numbers, amounts, etc., are added together和;总数;总和

The sum of 6 and 4 is 10.6加4之和为10。

(3) in sum (fml) used to introduce a short statement of the main points of a discussion, speech, etc.总之,总而言之

(4) sum v. (-mm-) sum up / sum sth up: to state the main points of sth in a short and clear form总结;概括==summarize

概括起来说,这一问题主要有三种解决办法。To sum up, there are three main ways to deal with/solve the problem.我能否把我们目前已经形成共识的问题作个概括?

Can I just sum up what we have agreed so far?我可以总结一下我们到目前为止达成的一致吗?


4. prompt [prɔmpt] adj.

A. (of an action) done quickly, at once, or at the right time (行动)立刻的;迅速的;准时的

(1) Prompt payment of bills is greatly appreciated.如蒙即期结账, 则不胜感激。

(2) He is prompt in paying his rent. 他付房租从不拖延。

(3) I can't understand it; he's usually very prompt.我不明白这是怎么回事, 他通常很准时的。

B.vprompt v. to cause or urge促使;催促,引起

(1) The sight of the ships prompted thoughts of his distant home.看到船使他想起遥远的故乡。

(2) His reply prompted me to ask another question.他的答复促使我再提一个问题。


5. out of business 倒闭,破产

A. put v. to cause to be in the stated condition使处于(某种状态)

(1) He put his books in order.他把自己的书整理好了。

(2) His boring lessons always put me to sleep.他那些乏味的课程总是使我昏昏欲睡。

B. put sb. out of business 使……倒闭,破产

6. obtain v.(rather formal) to become the owner of, esp. by means of effort or planning; get(较正式)(尤指通过努力或计划)获得,得到;赢得

I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.我终于设法弄到了这份报告的一个副本。

7. remarkable adj. (for) worth mentioning, esp. because unusual or noticeable (尤褒) 值得注意的;十分不平常的;出众的。 Opposite: unremarkable

(1) He is a remarkable English linguist. 他是一位杰出的英语语言学家。

(2)a most remarkable sunset非常壮观的日落(景象)

(3) Hangzhou is remarkable for the large West Lake.杭州以它那巨大的西湖著称。

adv. remarkably (used esp. with adjectives and adverbs 尤与形容词和副词连用) 不寻常地;突出地

(1) He sings remarkably well.他唱得特别好。

(2) a remarkably fine day特别晴朗的一天。

remark v. to say esp. sth that one has just noticed; give as an opinion谈到;说起

Heremarked that it was getting late.他说天色不早了。

remark on/upon sth. (fml) to notice and say or write sth about (正式) 评论;谈论

Everyone remarked on his shortcoming. 人人对他的缺点都评论了一番。

remark n. [c, (about, on)] a spoken or written opinion; comment评论;意见

Don’t make rude remarks about her appearance.不要对她的容貌胡乱品评。

8. would rather…than… 宁可……也不……


(1) We’re all sure she would rather die than give up.我们都深信她一定会宁死不屈。

(此句实际为We’re all sure she would rather die than she would give up. 的省略形式)

用prefer to…rather than…结构也可表达would rather…than…结构的意义。

(2) She prefers to work rather than remain idle.她宁愿工作而不愿闲着。

但只有当prefer后的宾语为动词不定式时,才可在其后使用rather than结构,如prefer后的宾语为名词或动名词形式时,只能用于prefer…to…结构。


9. settle v.

(1) to start to live in a place定居

They got married and settled near Manchester.他们结婚并在曼彻斯特附近定居。

(2) to end (an argument, esp. in law); bring (a matter) to an agreement [尤指在法律上]解决(争端);使(事情)得到解决:

They settled their quarrel/differences in a friendly way.他们友好地解决了他们的争端[分歧]。

(3) to place (someone or oneself) so as to be comfortable使(某人或自己)舒适地处于,把…安顿于;安置于:

A. He settled back in his chair and closed his eyes.他安坐在椅子上闭目养神。

B. She settled the child on the sofa.她把小孩放在沙发上。

(4) settle down v.

A. (settle sb. down) to (cause to) sit comfortably (使) 舒服地坐下

She settled (herself) down in a chair with a book and a cup of tea.她拿着一本书和一杯茶舒适地在椅子上坐下来。

B. to establish a home and live a quiet life.安顿下来,过安定的生活

He wants to get married and settle down.他想结婚过安定日子。

C. to become used to a way of life, job, etc. 习惯于某种生活方式或职业等

He soon settled down in his new school.他很快就习惯了新的学校。

D. to start giving one’s serious or whole attention to a job, activity, etc.开始专心于(某项工作、活动等);认真地着手去做(某事)

I must settle down and do my homework.我必须安下心来做家庭作业。


10. notable adj. (~for)

deserving to be noticed or given attention; important or excellent; outstanding值得注意的;显著的;显要的;著名的

(1) notable events 重要事件 ,a notable improvement (2) 显著的改进

(3) The area is notable for its pleasant climate.这个地区以其宜人的气候著称。

notable n. [usually pl.] a famous or important person. 著名人士;显要人物

notably adv.== especially; particularly格外地;特别地

Many members were absent, notably the chairman.许多会员缺席,特别是连主席也没有到。

11. offer v.

(1) offer vt. 给予;提供e.g.

No alcohol was offered at the party.晚会上不提供含酒精的饮料。

They offered him $1000 for his horse.他们出价1000美元要买他的马。

(2) offer vt. 表示愿意,提议:( to do)表示愿意(做某事)e.g.

I offered to answer any questions they might have.我愿意回答他们可能提出的任何问题。

She offered to drive me to the station.她表示愿意开车送我去车站。

(3) offer n. 提供(物),提议:e.g.

He accepted my offer.他接受了我的提议

I made him an offer of food and drink.我主动提出给他吃的和喝的。



1. There was a time when the owners of shop and businesses in Chicago had to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for' protection' .曾经有一个时期,芝加哥的店主和商行的老板们不得不拿出大笔的钱给歹徒以换取"保护"。

A. pay large sums of money to sb 向某人付大笔大笔的费用

in return for… 目的是为了换取…, 作为对…的回报

in return (for) 作为(…的)回报;作为(…的)交换。通常指被看作有同等价值或同等意义上的回报/交换,如:

(1)What did he do in return for your kindness? 对你的好意,他做了些什么呢?

(2)They have helped us a lot, but we really feel sorry that we have nothing to give them in return. 他们给予了我们极大的帮助,但我们真为拿不出什么来报答他们而感到遗憾。

(3) He gave me some books in return for my help.

B. There was a time when the owners of shop and businesses in Chicago had to pay...

when 引导状语从句修饰 time

There was a time when mini skirt was in fashion.(Mini n.迷你型, 袖珍型)


语法解析: 只有当指时间或地点的名词/先行词在从句中起到时间状语或地点状语作用时,才可使用关系副词when或where引导的定语从句。即: 在指时间或地点的名词之后,可用when和where表达定语从句中at which或in which的含义,如:

(1) 你能否提出一个对我们双方都方便的会面时间吗?

Can you suggest a time when/at which it will be convenient for both of us to meet?

(2) 她知道一处我们可在那儿找到野草莓的树林。

She knows a wood where/in which we can find wild strawberries.


(1) 那是她所能找到的对我们双方都方便的会面时间。

That’s the time (which) she has found to be convenient for both of us to meet.

(此句是指: She has found the time to be convenient for both of us to meet.

(2) 他告诉了她孩子们玩捉迷藏时发现的那个藏身之处。

He told her the hidden place (which) the children found while playing hide-and-seek.

此句是指: the children found the hidden place while playing hide-and-seek),


2. If the money not paid promptly , the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business by destroying his shop.如果交款不及时,歹徒们就会很快捣毁他的商店,让他破产。

(1) Promptly = immediately

promptly 立即的,及时的(正式)speedily 迅速的 swiftly 迅速的 directly 立刻的

(2) put a man out of business 使某人失业

put sb/sth out of... 使某人失去…

You are putting me out of patience. 你使我失去耐心了。

You have already put everything out of order.

Put it out of your mind. 忘记这件事情吧。

(3) by destroying his shop by destroying his shop 通过…手段。用捣毁他的商店的方法。在句中作方式状语,修饰动词put,介词by在这里为“以……方式”之意

You are putting me out of patience by disturbing me.

destroy v. to damage (sth) so severely that it cannot be repaired; put an end to the existence of; ruin破坏,毁坏,摧残;消灭

一场火毁坏了那座房屋。A fire destroyed the house.


3. As long ago as the fourteenth century, an Englishman, Sir John Hawkwood, made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters.早在14世纪,英国人约翰.霍克伍德就有过非凡的发现:"人们情愿拿出大笔的钱,也不愿毕生的心血毁于歹徒之手。

(1) as long ago as 追溯回到(= dating back to = date from)

I knew Jane as long ago as the year 1980.

(2) make the remarkable discovery 做出不同寻常的发现

(3) would rather do... than do... 宁愿…而不…

He would rather die than surrender.(vi.投降, 自首)

I would rather play tennis than swim.

(4) 与表示“宁愿……而不……”句型近义的句型:

A. would prefer to do ... than do...

B.lwould prefer doing ... to doing...

He would prefer to die than surrender.

He would prefer dying to surrendering.

C. would rather(sooner) that 宾语从句(过去式)-- 虚拟语气

I would rather that you were not here. 我宁愿你不在这。(暗含:实际你在这)

I would rather that I didn't see you.

He would rather that he didn't hear the news.

D. life work 毕生的事业 / have sth done

4. He soon made a name for himself and came to be known to the Italians as Giovanni Acuto.很快就出了名,意大利人叫他乔凡尼.阿库托。

(1) made a name for himself = become famous

They soon made quite a name for themselves as pop singers.

(2) come to = get to 渐渐的, come to be known 渐渐被人所熟知

-- I come to be known to my students.

-- I got to know him.

【come to构成的习惯用语拓展请打开链接参考: 今日头条大嘴英come to专题解析】


[3] 知识拓展一: come to短语拓展

(1) come to 后接名词、数词、代词或不接任何,意指,谈到,涉及到

When it comes to physics, he is a complete stranger. 谈到物理他完全是个外行。

(2) 表示“合计,总共”,同amount to. How much does the bill come to?帐单上共多少钱?

(3) 表示“开始被„所认识,被„所记起。”突然想起(无被动式)-In a flash, the truth came to him. 突然间,他明白了真相。

(4) 发生(在某人身上), 降临于(某人)—Happiness will come to you as long as you are after it. 只要你追寻它幸福会降临于你。

(5) 恢复知觉,苏醒过来-After three hours in the hospital bed, he began to come to. 躺在医院床上三个小时后, 他开始苏醒过来。

(6) 达成一致,谅解,协议,或和解—Come to a conclusion/decision…come to an agreement / understanding / terms.. come to a(n)... end 有⋯⋯结果( 结局、下场)

Those who has done evil things will come to no good end.做坏事的人不会有好下场。

(7) come to life 活跃起来 come to light 被发现, 被大家知道

(8) come to nothing / no good 没有结果/成就

(9) come to oneself 恢复知觉, 恢复正常

(10) come to sb.’s attention / notice 受到某人注意

(11)come to the point 谈正题, 谈主要问题


[4] 知识拓展二:

A. came to be known 渐渐被知晓/称作

come/get 动词不定式结构 表示一种情况的变化过程,表示出“逐渐”的含义。在汉语译文中,有时并不一定译出来,如:

(1) She will come to be ashamed of what she has done today.总有一天她会为她今日的所作所为而感到羞愧。

(2) Soon they’re getting to have a better understanding of the problem.


B. Be known to sb.为某人所知,

当 to后为“某地”时,则表示“文明于某地” 之意,如:

(1) Your neighbour’s known to the police, so you’d better keep an eye on him.你的邻居是警察熟悉的人物,所以你最好对他留神点。

(2) The family is quite known to the area.这家人在这一地区很出名。

C. Be known as…/be known for…都可用来表示“以…而出名”但它们在含义和用法上有所不同。

(A) be known as…后的介词宾语与主语为同位语成分

be known for…后的介词宾语则为主语的所属内容

(1) 当主语为表示人的名词时,be known as…表示“以某种身份而出名”而be known for…则表示“以某种技能、作品或特征等而出名”,比较:

Edison was known as a great inventor.爱迪生以一位伟大的发明家而著称。

Edison was known for his inventive talent.爱迪生以其发明天赋而闻名。

(2) 当主语为表示地点的名词时,

(B) be known as…表示“以…的产地或地方而出名”

be known for…则表示“以…特产而出名”,比较

The area is known as a green tea producing region.这个地区是以绿茶产地而出名。

The area is known for its green tea.这个地区以其绿茶而闻名。

(3) 当主语为事物名词时,

(C) be known as…表示“以…形式而出名”

be known for…则表示“以…内容、特征、价值等而为人所知”

This book is known as a reference book.这本书作为参考用书使用。

This book is known for its practical usage.这本书以其实用性而为人所知。

5. In times of peace, when business was bad, Hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and, after burning down a few farms, would offer to go away if protection money was paid to them.和平时期,当生意萧条时,霍克伍德便带领士兵进入某个城邦,纵火烧毁一两个农场,然后提出,如向他们缴纳保护金,他们便主动撤离。

  in time of peace 在和平期间

  march into 大踏步行军

  burn down 烧毁 / burn up 烧光 / burn out 烧空

The house was burned out only walls left. 房子被了只剩下墙壁。

would offer to go away = would promise to go away


6. Hawkwood made large sums of money in this way. In spite of this, the Italians regarded him as a sort of hero. 霍克伍德用这种方法挣了大笔钱.尽管如此,意大利人还是把他视作某种英雄。

in spite of this 尽管如此

The Italians regarded him as a sort of hero.

7. When he died at the age of eighty, the Florentines gave him a state funeral and had a picture painted which was dedicated to the memory of 'the most valiant soldier and most notable leader, Signor Giovanni Haukodue'. 他80岁那年死去时,佛罗伦萨人为他举行了国葬,并为他画像以纪念这位"骁勇无比的战士、杰出的领袖乔凡尼.阿库托先生."

A. give sb a state funeral 给某人举行国葬

state指国家: state funeral 国葬 state visit 国事访问 state banquet 国宴 state affairs 国事,the state council 国务院 secretary of state 国务卿

B. have sth done

C. Signor n.先生(意大利语),which 指代 picture

D. be dedicated to the memory of sb, sth is dedicated to sb 译为“以某物献给某人”

E. dedicate v.

(1) to give to a holy purpose, often with a solemn ceremony (为一神圣目的而) 供奉;奉献

The new church will be dedicated on Sunday.新教堂的奉献仪式将在星期日举行。

(2) dedicate sb./sth. to (prep.) sb./sth.

to give completely to (a particular cause, purpose, or action); devote to致力于,献身于

Jack dedicated his life/himself to English teaching.杰克为英语教学奉献了他的一生。

The monument is dedicated to the memory of those who died in the defence of the country.这座纪念碑为纪念为国捐躯者而建造。


三、课文及翻译参考Lesson14 A noble gangster

There was a time when the owners of shop and businesses in Chicago had to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for' protection'. If the money was not paid promptly, the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business by destroying his shop. Obtaining 'protechon money' is not a modern crime. As long ago as the fourteenth century, an Englishman, Sir John Hawkwood, made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of mone than have their life work destroyed by gangsters.

Six hundred years ago, Sir John Hawkwood arrived in Italy with a band of soldiers and settled near Florence. He soon made a name for himself and came to be known to the Italians as Giovanni Acuto. Whenever the Italian city-states were at war with each other, Hawkwood used to hire his soldiers to princes who were willing to pay the high price he demanded. In times of peace, when business was bad, Hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and, after burning down a few farms, would offer to go away if protection money was paid to them. Hawkwood made large sums of money in this way. In spite of this, the Italians regarded him as a sort of hero. When he died at the age of eighty, the Florentines gave him a state funeral and had a picture painted which was dedicated to the memory of 'the most valiant soldier and most notable leader, Signor Giovanni Haukodue'.


