
M1U1 Use your eyes!使用你的眼睛

S1: Close your eyes. 闭上你的眼睛。

S2: Open your eyes. Can you see my shadow?


S1: Is it behind the blackboard? 它是在黑板的后面吗?

S2: Yes!/No! 是的!/不!

Use these words: behind the 在…后 outside the 在…之外 under the 在…下面 in the 在…里面

on the 在…上面 beside the 在…旁边

at the top of 顶端above上空 near 附近between中间

S1: Have you got any apples? 你有一些苹果吗?

S2: Yes, I’ve got some apples. Red ones or green ones?


/Sorry, I haven’t got any apples.对不起,我没有一些苹果。

S1: Red ones, please.请给我一个红的。

S1: Have you got any oranges? 你有一些桔子吗?

S2: Yes, I’ve got some oranges. 是的,我有一些桔子。

S1: I can’t see. Where are they? 我没看见。它们在哪儿?

S2: They’re inside the box . 在盒子里面

Use these words: inside the box在盒子里 outside the box在盒子外

behind 在…后 in front of在…前面 beside在…旁边

M1U2 Use your ears! 使用你的耳朵

S1: Do you want both hammers, Dad? 爸爸,这两个锤子都要吗?

S2: No, the small one, please.不,要小的那个。

Use these words: long/short长/短 round/square圆/正方

full/empty满/空 big/small大/小 red/green红/绿

S1: Can you see the shaker? Where is it?你看见摇动器了吗?它在哪?

S2: Is it behind the blackboard? 它是在黑板的后面吗

S1: Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. 是的,它在。/不,它不在。

M1U3 Use your hands! 使用你的双手

S1: This thing’s warm and fluffy. What is it?


S2: Is it a cat? 它是一只猫吗?

S1: Yes, it is! 是的!

Use these words: fluffy有绒毛的 shiny光亮的 cold 寒冷的

warm 温暖的 hot热的 hard 硬的 soft柔软的

Smooth 光滑的 rough粗糙的 long长的 short 短的

S1: Whose pencil case is this?/ Whose lunch boxes are these?


S2: It’s mine.(yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs)


M1U4 Use your five senses! 使用你的五官

S1: Taste these drinks/apples. Are they the same or different?


S2: They’re the same/different.是相同的/不同的。

M2U1 Animals in the zoo 动物园的动物们

S1: What time do you feed the elephants? 你什么时候喂大象?

S2: I feed them at half past eight (8:30) in the morning.


S1: What do the elephants eat? 你喂大象吃什么?

S2: They eat hay. 它们吃干草。

S1: How much hay do they eat? 它们吃多少干草?

S2: They eat 50 kilos of hay. 它们吃50公斤干草。

S1: Look at my parrot. It’s red and green.(colours)


S2: What is it doing? 它正在做什么?

S1: It’s talking/sitting/standing/flying/climbing/eating.


S1: Where’s the red and yellow parrot? 红黄相间的鹦鹉在哪儿?

S2: It’s on the branch. 它在树枝上。

Use these words:

at the top of/outside/beside/behind/inside/under/near/in/on


the tree/the house/the pond/the table/the sign/the branch.


M2U2 Favourite toys最喜欢的玩具

S1:Which bicycle do you like? 你喜欢哪一辆自行车。

S2: I like both/all the bicycles.两个都喜欢/所有的都喜欢。

S1: What colour are the pandas? 熊猫是什么颜色?

S2: Both/All the pandas are black and white.


Ask about: the cars 小汽车 the balls 球 the kites 风筝

the robots 机器人 the toy soldiers 玩具士兵

the bicycles 自行车

M2U3 At home 在家

S1: The picture was beside the window. Where is it now?


S2: it’s beside the mirror now. 现在它在镜子旁边。

Use these words: beside/on/between/above/under/near


Ask about: the mirror 镜子 the big table 大桌子 the rug 地毯 the plant 植物 the shelf架子 the sofa 沙发 the clock 时钟 the small lamp小台灯

S1: Look at the sitting-room. Now close your eyes.

(S1 moves the furniture)看看起居室.现在闭上你的眼睛。(S1移动家俱

S2: The sofa was under the window. Now it’s near the big table.


S1: Ok. Open your eyes. What’s different?


S2: The chair was … Now it’s… 椅子原来在…现在在…

The big lamp was … Now it’s… 大台灯原来在…现在在…

More oral practice 更多的口语练习

S1: Which fruit do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一种水果?

S2: I like best./ I like all the .


S1: Do you like the or ones best?


S2: I like the best./ I like both .


M3U1 Colours around us 我们身边的颜色

S1: Where’s the bird?鸟在哪儿?

S2: It was in the cage. Now it’s in the tree.


Use: in 在…里 under在…下面 on在…上

S1: The butterfly was on a leaf. 蝴蝶在一片树叶上。

S2: Now it’s on a flower. 现在它在一朵花上。

S1: The sky was black./ The leaves were green.


S2: Now it’s blue./ Now they’re brown.


M3U2 Different noises 不同的声音

S1: What time is it? 现在几点?

S2: It’s six o’clock.(6点整)

It’s twenty-five past one.(1点25分)

It’s seven fifteen/a quarter past seven.(7点15分)

It’s five to two.(1点55分/差5分2点)

It’s twenty-five to nine(8点35/差25分钟9点)

It’s half past three.(3点30分)

M3U3 What is the weather like? 天气是什么样的?

Day: Friday 星期五

Date: the fourteenth of June 6月14日

Temperature: thirty-five degrees. 35度

Rain(雨量): ten millimeters 10毫升

More oral practice更多的口语练习

1 I got up at seven o’clock.

2 I ate my breakfast/lunch/dinner…

3 I went to the park in the afternoon.

4 There was/were…

5 I had a very busy day!
