


The new professions, mostly in the public health sector and emerging industries, include blockchain technicians, online marketers, information security testers, online learning consultants and community health assistants, among others, according to a statement jointly issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other departments.人社部与其他几个部门联合发布的通告显示,新发布的职业主要涉及公共卫生领域和新兴产业,包括“区块链工程技术人员”、“互联网营销师”、“信息安全测试员”、“在线学习服务师”以及“社群健康助理员”等。


Five new types of work, such as livestreaming salesperson, have also been released, while three types of work related to public health services have been upgraded into professions.此次还发布了“直播销售员”等五个新工种,同时,与公共卫生服务相关的三个工种上升成为新职业。



职业(profession/occupation)是具有一定特征的社会工作类别,它是一种或一组特定工作的统称。工种(type of work)是根据劳动管理的需要,按照生产劳动的性质、工艺技术的特征、或者服务活动的特点而划分的工作种类。岗位(position/post)是企业根据生产的实际需要而设置的工作位置。一般来说,一个职业包括一个或几个工种,一个工种又包括几个岗位。

此批新职业除了主要涉及预防和处置突发公共卫生事件(public health emergency response)领域,还适应高校毕业生就业创业需要的新业态领域以及适应贫困劳动力和农村转移就业劳动者等需要的促进脱贫攻坚领域(poverty reduction sectors where poor laborers and rural migrant workers are employed)。

据了解,这是自2015年版《中华人民共和国职业分类大典(Occupational Classification System of the People’s Republic of China)》颁布以来发布的第三批新职业。


职业分类 occupational classification

产教融合 integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities

就业创业 employment and entrepreneurship

线上职业技能培训 online vocational training

云选会 cloud job fair

就业优先政策pro-employment policies

减负、稳岗、扩就业并举to take multi-pronged measures, including reducing corporate burdens, keeping the payroll stable, and creating more jobs

多渠道灵活就业flexible employment through multiple channels


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

