萨古鲁 Isha


In this engaging excerpt from an “In Conversation with the Mystic” event, Rakul Preet Singh, the popular film actress quizzes Sadhguru about the “the law of attraction,” how to design one’s destiny, and how to stop complicating life and start experiencing its beauty.

在这个"与神秘家的对话"的生动问答中,当红女演员拉库尔·普雷特·辛格(Rakul Preet Singh)向萨古鲁询问“吸引力法则”,如何定制一个人的命运,如何不把生活复杂化,并开始体验它的美丽。

Rakul Preet Singh: I am curious about things like the law of attraction, where they say that anything that you ask, believe, and send out to the universe in a constant direction, will happen. Because they say that you design your destiny, you design your life. I mean you are sending out a positive signal…


Sadhguru: To whom?


Rakul Preet Singh: To the universe.拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:给宇宙。

Sadhguru: Which direction? Up or down?Sadhguru(萨古鲁):哪个方向?上还是下?

Rakul Preet Singh: That is what I’m asking. How does the law of attraction really work?拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:这就是我要问的,吸引力法则是如何起作用的?

Sadhguru: It does not work.Sadhguru(萨古鲁):不起作用。

Rakul Preet Singh: So what works? How do you design your destiny?拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:那什么在起作用?你怎么定制你的命运?

Sadhguru: Whether it is two magnets, male and female, North Pole and South Pole, the law of attraction happens between opposites. Now you are talking about the universe – so that means you are an alien to this universe?Sadhguru(萨古鲁):不管是两块磁铁、男性和女性、北极和南极,吸引力法则都是在对立之间发生的。现在你在谈论宇宙——难道意思是对于这个宇宙来说你是外星人?

Rakul Preet Singh: Part of the universe.拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:我是宇宙的一部分。

Sadhguru: If you are part of the universe, what is there to be attracted about?Sadhguru(萨古鲁):如果你是宇宙的一部分,那还需要吸引什么?

Rakul Preet Singh: Well, why do they say that you can design your own destiny?拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:嗯,那为什么他们说你可以定制自己的命运?

Sadhguru: You can determine your destiny and you should – that is what being human means. If you had come here like any other creature on this planet, they have compulsive cycles they live by. It is okay for them because that is all they are capable of.Sadhguru(萨古鲁):你可以决定你的命运而且你应该要这样——这就是做为人类的意义。如果你像地球上的其它生物一样来到这里,它们基于强迫性的循环模式生活着,对它们来说这是可以的,因为它们只能做到如此。 Actually, if you look at your life, you are not doing anything greatly different from what the other creatures are doing. They are born – you are born. You grow up – they grow up. They reproduce – you reproduce. They die – you die. Nothing very different, but we can conduct these same simple things consciously. That is the significant thing about being human.事实上,审视一下你的人生,你和其它生物所做的并无多大区别。它们出生——你出生。你长大——它们也长大。它们繁殖——你也繁殖。它们死亡——你也死亡。没有什么太不同的。但是我们可以有意识地做这些相同的、简单的事,这就是作为人类的意义。 Let us say you conduct your hand consciously; now this hand will do what you want. Suppose you conduct your thought consciously; now your thought will do what you want. If your thought was doing what you want, how would you keep yourself – blissful or miserable?假设你有意识地使用你的手,那么这只手就会做你想做的,假设你有意识地思考,现在你的头脑就会做你想做的。如果你的头脑在做你想做的,你会让自己保持怎样的状态——喜悦还是痛苦?

Rakul Preet Singh: Blissful.拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:喜悦。

Sadhguru: If you are blissful, would you go in search of happiness?Sadhguru(萨古鲁):如果你是喜悦的,你还会要去寻找幸福吗?

Rakul Preet Singh: No, if you are blissful, you are just satisfied.拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:不,如果你是喜悦的,你就满足了。

Sadhguru: If you are blissful, your life would not be in pursuit of happiness. These things that people think are the greatest things in their life – to be peaceful, joyful, nonsense – would not mean a thing to you when you are blissful. If your thought and emotion were taking instruction from you, would you keep yourself in the highest level of pleasantness, whatever that is?Sadhguru(萨古鲁):如果你是喜悦的,你的人生就不会去追求快乐了。当你是喜悦的时候,这些人们通常认为是最伟大的东西——变得平和、快乐之类的各种废话——对你来说都不算什么。如果你的想法和情感听从你的指令,你会让自己处在最高层次的愉悦吗?

Rakul Preet Singh: Correct.拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:正确。

Sadhguru: Yes. If that happens, your entire life process will come to a total ease. Right now, you are like a crouching tiger – you always have to get something. There is nothing to get. If you sit here, your life is complete – now it is at total ease. When it is in this kind of ease, it will become perceptive. Just pursuing a profession, making money, or even being joyful or being loving or falling in love, nothing means anything to you, because just sitting here, the highest level of pleasantness is happening to you.Sadhguru(萨古鲁):是的,如果那发生了,你的整个生命过程都会变得完全自在。现在,你像一头卧虎——总想要得到什么。没有什么可得到的。如果你坐在这里,你的生命就是完整的——那么,它就是绝对自在的。当它处于这种自在的状态中,它就会变得有感知力。只是去追求一个职业、赚钱,甚至变得快乐、有爱心或者坠入爱河,对你来说都没有意义。因为就只是坐在这里,就能体验最高层次的愉悦。 So, what would you do with that life? Naturally, you would explore something that is not in your perception right now. This is how spiritual process begins; this is how you take charge of your life.这样,你会用你的生命做什么?自然地,你会去探索你目前无法感知的东西。灵性过程就是这么开始的,你就是这样掌控自己生命的。 Now you wish for something…. I want you to know this, for most people, at least fifty percent of what they wish happens. It is just that they are focusing on a few things that did not happen. In a reasonably well-settled society, even ninety percent of what you wish happens – it is the ten percent you are complaining about. You never enjoy the ninety percent because this ten percent did not happen the way you wanted.现在你许一个愿……我想要你知道这点,对于大部分人来说,至少他们50%的愿望都发生了。只是他们都在关注没发生的少数几件事而已。在一个相对安定的社会中,甚至你90%的愿望都成真了——你所抱怨的是那剩下的10%。你无法享受这90%,因为这10%没有按照你想的方式发生。 A little is going off, but that little can bother you. This is because not all situations will ever happen the way we want it, because a situation is not just you – so many people and forces are involved. All of them need not happen my way. But if I am happening my way, I am blissful. Whether the golf ball flies straight or goes into the mountains, I am still blissful.有一点小事偏离了,但是那一点小事也会烦扰你。这是因为,不是所有的事都会按照我们想要的方式发生的,因为一件事不仅仅是关于你——还有很多人和力量会牵涉其中。它们并不都需要按照我想要的方式发生。但是如果我按照自己想要的方式发生了,我就是喜悦的。不管这个高尔夫球是直飞还是飞到了山里,我都是喜悦的。

Rakul Preet Singh: As long as you are playing golf.拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:只要你在打高尔夫。

Sadhguru: Even if I am not playing.Sadhguru(萨古鲁):即使我不在打。

Rakul Preet Singh: So as long as things happen your way, and you are on your own path and you are blissful and…拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:所以只要事情是按照你的方式发生,你在自己的道路上,你是喜悦的……

Sadhguru: No, no, no. I am not saying as long as things happen your way, you will be blissful. If you are blissful, it does not matter which way it happens. Whichever way it happens, you are blissful.Sadhguru(萨古鲁):不、不、不。我不是说只要事情按照你的方式发生,你才是喜悦的。如果你是喜悦的,它是怎么发生的都没关系。不管它是怎么发生的,你都是喜悦的。 Essentially, the world has put the cart before the horse. Right now, you are sitting here. Is it easier to take charge of yourself or to take charge of all these people?本质上来说,这个世界都把马车放在了马的前面(本末倒置)。现在,你坐在这里,是掌控自己更容易还是掌控所有这些人更容易?

Rakul Preet Singh: Myself.拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:我自己。

Sadhguru: Yourself. You must first do that which is simple and easy. If you take charge of yourself, let us see how much cooperation you can get from these people. When you are in pursuit of happiness, what it means is that you want all of them to function the way you want. When we say, “If this happens, I will be happy. If that happens, I will be happy,” it means the world, the universe should respond your way.Sadhguru(萨古鲁):你自己。你要先做简单容易的。如果你掌控了自己,让我们看看你可以从其他人那儿得到多少配合。当你在追求幸福时,它意味着你要让所有人按照你想要的方式运行。当我们说“如果这个发生,我会开心,如果那个发生,我会开心,”这意味着这个世界、这个宇宙,要按照你的方式回应。

Rakul Preet Singh: That is not what I am saying, no. I do not believe in that because that is trying to put conditionality into everything that you know. What I was saying was, to give a very basic example of what you are going to do in life, let us say someone wants to be an actor, or someone wants to be a cricketer.拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:这不是我要说的,不。我不相信这个,因为这是想在你所知的每件事都附加条件。我刚才说的是,举个简单的例子,你想要在人生中做什么——比如说某人要想成为一个演员,或者成为一个板球员。

Sadhguru: Let us say it did not happen. “It did not happen” means what? People did not like your acting; the selectors did not like your cricket – something like this. What you wanted did not happen. Can you still sit here blissfully? That is the question.Sadhguru(萨古鲁):让我们假设它没有实现。“没有实现”意味着什么?人们不喜欢你的表演,选拔者不喜欢你的板球——诸如这些。你想要的没有实现。你还可以喜悦地坐在这里吗?这是个问题。

Rakul Preet Singh: Not a lot of people.拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:很少人能做到。

Sadhguru: That is why I am saying, when you expect everyone should like what you are doing, in some way, you have to take charge of their minds. In some way, through your movies or whatever, you are taking charge of their minds. You are doing what appeals to them, and that is why it is working. So, which is easier, taking charge of yourself or taking charge of others? Yourself. If you take charge of yourself, now you are not in pursuit of your happiness; you are not tensed about anything; there is no sword hanging over your head. You will do everything to the fullest, to the hilt.Sadhguru(萨古鲁):这就是我为什么在说,当你期待每个人都喜欢你所做的事时,在某种意义上,你得掌控他们的头脑。在某种意义上,通过你的电影或什么,你在掌控他们的头脑。你在做讨好他们的事,这就是起作用的原因。那么,哪个更容易,掌控你自己还是掌控他们?你自己。如果你掌控了你自己,现在你不是在追求幸福,你对任何事都不会担忧,没有剑悬在你头上。你会尽全力做所有事,做到极致。 Whatever happens, you will still be fine – this much you know. Now you will naturally do everything wonderfully well because there is absolutely no concern, since you are not a vested interest anymore. You will do what is needed, without any effort. What someone else thinks is a great circus and a feat, you will do joyfully, playfully.不管发生什么,你都没问题——至少这一点你知道。现在你自然就能做好一切事,因为绝不需要担忧什么,因为你的利益不再牵涉其中了。你会做需要做的,毫不费力。其他人觉得是一场大马戏或者一项壮举,你只是快乐游戏般地去做。

Rakul Preet Singh: Well, you just completely negated the fact that there is a law of attraction. There is nothing like that, where the universe gives you what you want.拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:嗯,你刚才完全否认了有吸引力法则这回事了。没有这回事吗——宇宙给予你想要的。

Sadhguru: Where is the universe, I am asking!Sadhguru(萨古鲁):我在问,宇宙在哪里?

Rakul Preet Singh: Right, we are a part of the universe.拉库尔·普雷特·辛格:对,我们是宇宙的一部分。

Sadhguru: When the seven sages, who are today known as the Saptarishis, asked Adiyogi, “Where does the universe begin? Where does it end? How big is it? What is it?” Adiyogi laughed and said, “I can pack your entire cosmos into a mustard seed.” That is a very efficient packing. What you think is time and space is based on the nature of your mind. If you transcend the limitations of your logical mind, what is there is here; what is here is there; what is then is now; what is now is then; everything, time and space, get mixed up in your perception. When this happens, you will not be talking to the universe. Those who are not on talking terms with their neighbors talk to the universe.Sadhguru(萨古鲁):当七位圣贤,我们如今熟知的七贤,问Adiyogi(第一位瑜伽士),“宇宙从哪里开始?到哪里结束?有多大?是什么?”时,Adiyogi笑着回答,“我可以把整个宇宙打包到一粒小小的芥菜籽里。”这是非常高效的打包。你以为的时间和空间只是建立于你头脑的本质之上,如果你超越你逻辑思维的限制,那就是这,这也是那,彼时就是此时,此时就是彼时,一切事物、时间和空间,都在你的感知中浑然一体了。一旦如此,你不会去和宇宙对话。那些跟邻居谈不来的人才会去和宇宙对话。
