形容词原级的句型原级的句型 主要利用 as … as,今天小编就来聊一聊关于形容词原级的用法?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!




原级的句型 主要利用 as … as


在学习过程中,注意B 这个比较对象,把握一个原则 :能省则省,能替则替,能简则简。

1、 A和B中含有物主代词时, B用名词性物主代词

我的尺子和你的尺子一样长。 My ruler is as long as yours (= your ruler).

2、A和B中含有指示代词时,B用that one \ those ones

这把尺子和那把尺子一样长。 This ruler is as long as that one (=that ruler).

这些鞋子和那些鞋子一样贵。These shoes are as expensive as those ones. ( = those shoes)



Mr Feng’s car is as nice as my dad’s (= my dad's car).


北京的天气和天津的天气一样冷。The weather in Beijing is as cold as that in Tianjin. (= the weather)

The schools in Beijing are as large as those in Guangzhou. (= the schools)


1、 A be as 原级 as B

表 示 A和B 一样 ……

This park is as beautiful as that one. 这个公园和那个公园一样漂亮。

Our school is as large as theirs. 我们的学校和他们的学校一样大。

The weather in Beijing is as hot as that in Dongfeng. 北京的天气和东风的天气一样热。

2、A be not as(so) 原级 as B

表 示 A不如B ……

这个句型不能理解为A和B不一样... ... ,原级句型的否定句表达的是比较级的含义。可以与比较级句型互换。

I am not as tall as him. 我不如他高。(= I am shorter than him. He is taller than me. )

This river is not as long as that one. 这条河不如那条河长。( = This river is shorter than that one. )

My room isn't as large as yours. 我的房间不如你的大。( = My room is smaller than yours.)

3、A be 程度 as 原级 as B

表 示 A是B ... 倍 ...

原级句型的程度通常有: once一倍, twice两倍, three \ four … times三倍、四倍,三倍以上的倍数用times.


This park is twice as large as that one. 这个公园是那个公园的两倍大。

( = This park is once larger than that one. 这个公园比那个公园大一倍)

Our classroom is three times as big as theirs. 我们的教室是他们的教室的三倍大。

(= Our classroom is twice bigger than theirs. 我们的教室比他们的教室大两倍。)

4、A be as 原级 a 名词单数 as B

表 示 A和B 是一样 … 的 …


Yao Ming is as famous a basketball player as Yi Jianlian.姚明和易建联一样是一个著名的篮球运动员。

a famous basketball player 一个著名的篮球运动员


Xichang is as world-known a launch center as Dongfeng. 西昌和东风一样是一个世界闻名的发射中心。

5、A be as 原级 as before \ usual

A 和以前、往常一样 ...

I’m as busy as usual on weekends. 我周末和以前一样忙。

Bill is as hard-working as before. 比尔和以前一样勤奋努力。

6、 A 动词 the same 名词 as B

I wear the same size shoes as you do. 我穿得鞋子和你穿得鞋子一样尺码。

His hair is the same colour as his mother's. 他的头发和他妈妈的头发一样颜色。


I can speak English as well as he. 我说英语和他说得一样好。

We have as many books as they do. 我们有的书和他们有的书一样多。



1、 我的书包和她的书包一样重。

2、 这些花和那些花一样漂亮。

3、 北京生产的小汽车与上海生产的小汽车一样安全。

4、 我们的老师和他们的老师一样有责任心

5、 颐和园是北海公园的两倍大。


7、 韩红和成龙一样是一个出色的歌手。

8、 冯老师有和我爸爸一样颜色的小汽车。

9、 我妈妈和往常一样忙忙碌碌。

10、 我戴着一顶和李明的一样大小的帽子。
