国内外英语考试必备核心词汇大学英语四六级,考研,考博, 雅思,托福, GRE

dispose[di'spəuz] vi.去掉 丢掉 销毁vt.倾向于 处置

Currently, 70 million plastic foam cups are estimated to be disposed by Americans every day.


In February, 3M agreed to pay the state of Minnesota $850 million to settle a major case alleging the manufacturer damaged natural resources and contaminated groundwater by disposing of the chemicals over decades.


disposal[dis'pəuzəl] n.处理,处置;布置,安排

For reference, that’s about as loud as the garbage disposal in your kitchen.


Staff are clinging to the hope that companies taking over the NHS contracts for waste disposal may consider employing staff from HES.


Five international banks are pledging to use the billions at their disposal to steer clients away from businesses that emit large amounts of greenhouse gases.


discard['diskɑ:d, dis'kɑ:d] vt.丢弃 抛弃 遗弃 vi.丢牌 n.丢牌 废牌

Chicken bones are discarded in landfills where anaerobic activity tends to mummify more than decay.

pour[pɔ:] vt.灌 倒流出 倾泻 骤雨vi.倾泻 蜂涌而来 倒

dust[dʌst] n.尘土 灰尘 无价值之物 屈辱状态 vt.拂去灰尘 vi.擦拭灰尘

garbage['gɑ:bidʒ]n.垃圾 污物 废料 废物 食物残渣

rubbish['rʌbiʃ]n.垃圾 废物 废话

trash[træʃ] n.垃圾;拙劣的作品;渣滓,败类

scrap[skræp] n.碎片;废料 v.废弃,报废

rotate[rəu'teit]vi.旋转vt.使旋转 轮流adj.车轮状的

It rotates exactly once every time it circles our planet, thus keeping the same hemisphere pointing toward Earth at all times.


The development puts Romania at odds with the European Union just before it assumes the E.U.’s rotating presidency on Jan. 1.


rotary['rəutəri]adj.旋转的 转动的n.旋转式机器 环形交叉路

cycle['saikl]n自行车 循环 周期vt.环行 骑自行车vi.使环行 热潮晕菜了

circle['sə:kl]n.圆 圆周 圈子 社交圈 循环vt. &vi.包围 盘旋 环绕

circular['sə:kjulə]adj.圆的 循环的n.传单 通报

circulate['sə:kjuleit]vt.使循环 使流通 vi.流通 循环 传播

Worse, the chemical was circulating in his blood and accumulating in his joints and soft tissue — in his eyes, his tendons and even his heart.


Rumors once circulated about young people selling kidneys to buy an iPhone.


Pictures of the polar bear were widely circulated online, sparking criticism of Arctic wildlife tourism.


circuit['sə:kit]n.电路 环行一圈 巡行 巡回vt. &vi.巡回

circumference[sə'kʌmfərəns]n.圆周 周长 周围 圆周线 胸围

circumstance['sə:kəmstəns]n.情况 条件 境遇 环境(复数) 境况 事件 详情

pollute[pə'lu:t]vt.弄脏 污染 沾污

conservation[.kɔnsə:'veiʃən]n.保存 保护 守恒 防止流失

With most of the island zoned as conservation land and unavailable for development, land and housing stocks are limited.


While local and international conservation laws are in place, critics say they are not always properly enforced.



conservative[kən'sə:vətiv]adj.保守的 守旧的n.保守的人 保守派(党)

preserve[pri'zə:v]vt.保护 保存 保持 腌渍vi.保存n.蜜饯 专供私人行猎或捕鱼的保留

The group works with small towns and cities to preserve historic character while promoting economic activity.


The imperative to preserve that number often prevents a company from investing in long-term viability.


And many British choirs that were once male preserves now include girls and women in varying degrees.


reserve[ri'zə:v]vt.储备 保留 预定 延期 n.预备品 贮存 候补 克制 含蓄

reservation[rezə'veiʃən] n.保留,保留意见;预定,预订

reservior['rezəvwɑ:]n.水库 蓄水池 积蓄 储藏=reservoir

dam[dæm]n.水坝 水堤 障碍物 vt.筑坝 抑制(情感)等

harness['hɑ:nis]vt.治理 利用(产生动力) 束以马具 披上甲胄n.马具 挽具 甲胄

The banks are harnessing big data to glean information beyond borrower income and savings.


Police are also harnessing new technology to detect drones that aren’t authorized to fly.


Artificial intelligence would be integrated into new programmes as the UK strove to harness its "world-leading array of capabilities" as effectively as possible.



wild[waild]adj.野生的 野蛮的 未开发的 失去控制的 adv.失去控制地 胡乱地n.荒野 荒地

solar['səulə]adj.太阳的 太阳能的 日光的

observe[əb'zə:v] vt.遵守 看到 注意到 说 观察

observer[əb'zə:və] n.观察员 观测者

observation[.ɔbzə'veiʃən] n.注意 观察 观察力 评论adj.被设计用来观察的

extinct [ik'stiŋkt] a.灭绝的; 熄灭了的

