
2.好钢用在刀刃上:use the best steel to make the knife edge—use material where it is needed most; use the best material at the key point

3.好汉不吃眼前亏:a wise man will not fight when the odds are obviously against him; a wise man doesn’t fight against impossible odds

4.好汉不提当年勇:a hero is silent about his past glories

5.好汉做事好汉当:a true man has the courage to accept the consequence of his own actions

6.好话说尽,坏事做绝:say every fine word and do every foul deed

7.好借好还:make it a point to return or repay what one has borrowed

8.好了伤疤忘了疼;once on shore; one prays no more

9.好男不跟女斗:a gentleman doesn’t fight women

10.好人好事:good people and good deeds; fine people and fine deeds

11.好声好气:in a kindly manner; gently

12.好事不出门,恶事传千里:Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.

13.好事多磨:the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks; the course of true love never did run smooth

14.好说歹说:try every possible way to persuade sb

15.好死不如赖活:even a good death is not like a wretched existence

16.好说话儿:good-natured; open to persuasion

17.好心当作驴肝肺:take an honest man’s heart for a donkey’s liver and lungs—take sb’s goodwill for ill intent


19.好自为之:look out for oneself

20.好吃懒做:be fond of eating and averse to work; be gluttonous and lazy

21.好高骛远:crave for sth thing and out of reach; run after far off things

22.好善乐施:enjoy helping those in need; be generous in one’s charity; be philanthropic

23.好为人师:like to lecture people; be given to laying down the law


25.好整以暇:remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs

26.浩浩荡荡:vast and mighty

27.浩然之气:noble spirit; moral force

28.浩如烟海:tremendous amount of; vast as the open sea; voluminous

29.皓月当空:a bright moon hung in the sky

