A. 天气状况

名词 --- 形容词

sun -- sunny (晴朗的)

cloud -- cloudy (多云的)

fog -- foggy (有雾的)

heat -- hot (炎热的)

wind -- windy (有风的)

ice -- icy (冰冷的)

shower -- showery (阵雨的)

humidity -- humid (潮湿的)

B. 温度

A: How hot does it get (有多热) in the summer?

B: It can reach (气温达到) about 35 degrees.

A: How cold does it get (有多冷) in the winter?

B: It often goes below zero (零下).

C. 风雨雷

It was cloudy with a bit of drizzle (毛毛雨).

It's pouring (大雨倾盆而下)outside.

We had several showers (阵雨) today - some quite heavy.

It was a hot day but there was a gentle breeze (微风).

Her hair was blowing (吹) in the wind.

The hurricane (飓风) destroyed many buildings.

First it becomes very humid, then you get thunder and lightening (雷电), and finally very heavy rain.



来源:内容综合自英国牛津出版教材English In Use、牛津词典、云开英语等公开资源,供学习讨论用,非商用。
