

杰洛姆·卡丹(Jerome Cardan)或杰洛拉姆·卡尔达诺(Girolamo Cardano),1501年生于米兰,是一位意大利医生、数学家、占星家和哲学家。他的父亲是一位名律师,但在数学方面钻研极深,甚至达芬奇曾就几何问题向他咨询。

卡丹一生博学多才,其成就不仅于占星之中,占星也仅为卡丹涉及领域的一部分。这次的内容来自卡丹的著作《卡丹七部》(Seven Segments of Cardan)中的第二部本命格言部分。



26. Sol and Mars peregrine or the Dragon’s Tail in the 2nd, signifies the Native shall squander away his substance or estate foolishly.


27. When the Moon in Opposition to the Sun is joined with nebulous stars, the Native will have some defect in his sight; if the Moon in the 7th be afflicted by both the Infortunes, and if their rays are very strong he will be blind.


28. The compound rays of Jove, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon, give the greatest grace and sweetness of speech, and therefore when Jupiter shall be in Virgo, and the Moon in Pisces, it is an opportune time for the birth of a Poet. Poets are always born, not made.


29. That person will scarce make a prosperous end, or persevere long in any eminent degree, who had not some of his Ancestors’ Genitures to sympathise with, and assist his own.


文字部分整理翻译自《Seven Segment of Cardan》


Chapter End
