The number one thing that's going to change your life, the only thing is you must raise your standard, and I know that sounds boring, stupid, basic, but it's the truth. Everyone in the world has a list of things they think they should do, I should lose weight, I should work out, I should work harder, I should, I should… what changes people is when your should becomes a must, it's like if you want to take the island and you are the head of the army, and you want to take the island the most powerful way to take the island is burn the bosts, because if there's no way to go back. It's amazing what happens, when it is a must to do something versus a should, that's what makes human being succeed.,我来为大家科普一下关于成功的要点是什么?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



The number one thing that's going to change your life, the only thing is you must raise your standard, and I know that sounds boring, stupid, basic, but it's the truth. Everyone in the world has a list of things they think they should do, I should lose weight, I should work out, I should work harder, I should, I should… what changes people is when your should becomes a must, it's like if you want to take the island and you are the head of the army, and you want to take the island the most powerful way to take the island is burn the bosts, because if there's no way to go back. It's amazing what happens, when it is a must to do something versus a should, that's what makes human being succeed.

