

Herbivore’s moldy face-cream recall at Sephora underscores an ugly issue for natural beauty.


The juggernaut that is the natural beauty industry is beginning to show its cracks.

本周早些时候,由于霉菌污染,丝芙兰Herbivore Botanicals被召回。负责加拿大全国公共卫生的加拿大卫生部向消费者发出警告,要求他们立即停止使用Herbivore Botanicals的粉色云保湿霜(售价48美元)。

Earlier this week, a recall was issued for Herbivore Botanicals at Sephora due to mold contamination. Health Canada, the department responsible for Canadians’ national public health, issued a warning for consumers to immediately stop using Herbivore Botanicals’ Pink Cloud Moisture Cream ($48).



The best-selling natural skincare brand prides itself on shunning chemicals and synthetic preservatives.


But according to consumers who recently bought the cult-favorite cream, Herbivore has a history of failing to ensure the quality of its inventory.


By nixing traditional preservatives, a number of products have reportedly gone bad often as soon as opened.


On Reddit, shoppers quickly shared their disappointment with the buzzy brand, noting products that are funky-smelling and clumpy, with the texture of yogurt.



Sourcing fresh botanical ingredients can be expensive, and such ingredients can’t last as long as chemical-laden competitors. Synthetic ingredients can be made much faster and more cheaply than natural sourcing. The longer shelf life allows big-box retailers to buy in bulk without worrying about expiration dates.


“Natural” personal care and beauty products generated more than $1.5 billion in U.S. sales in 2017, according to Nielsen.

而且这一趋势并没有放缓。Grand View Research的一份新报告预测,到2025年,全球有机个人护理产业将达到近250亿美元。

And the trend isn’t slowing down. A new report from Grand View Research predicts that the global organic personal care industry will reach nearly $25 billion by 2025.


Brands with a natural and/or botanically derived clinical orientation now represent the largest combined share of prestige skincare sales. In 2017, they accounted for all gains in the category.
