1.I am very active at my school, so I make a lot of friends. We always study and play together。我在学校很活跃,所以我结交了许多朋友。我们总在一起学习和玩耍。

1.1be active in热心于;积极参与。

take an active part in积极参加。

1.2make a lot of friends交了许多朋友。

2.Sometimes I feel shy speaking in front of the class. I don't have much confidence in myself. But I enjoy playing with my friends. My favourite sport is football.


2.1feel 形容词 doing/to do 感到做某事很……

feel shy doing/to do 感到做某事很害羞。

2.2feel 宾语 doing sth.觉得……正在

He felt his health improving.


feel 宾语 do sth. 觉得……做某事

We felt the house shake.


2.3have much confidence in oneself.对自己有太多的自信。

2.3enjoy doing sth.喜欢干某事。

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3.I like listening to music because it helps me calm down and feel good.我喜欢听音乐,因为它帮助我平静下来,使我感觉很好。

3.1calm down镇静下来。

keep calm保持镇静。

4.Hello everyone! Let me introduce myself. I am Mike——a good person, an excecllent student and a hard worker. I have many friends. We work together and help each other. We make ourselves strong! My dream is to go to college someday, and I want to be a singer in the future. I love to sing and play hockey. I like myself. Thank you!

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4.1a good person一个好人。

an excecllent student一名优秀的学生。

a hard worker一个勤奋学习的人。

4.2help each other互相帮助。

4.3 在英语中,play做动词有很多含义,如:“玩,打,演奏,弹奏,装扮,扮演,播放”等,做名词表示“戏剧,演出”等。以下是play的常用短语:

play games玩游戏

play computer games玩电脑游戏

play sports进行体育运动,做运动

play a part/role发挥作用,有影响

play a part/role in参与…,在...中起作用,在…中扮演角色

play a joke on sb=play jokes on sb开某人的玩笑,捉弄某人

play a trick on sb=play tricks on sb捉弄某人,戏弄某人

play an active part in sth.积极参与某事

play with…和…一起玩,玩某物 play with snow玩雪

play with friends和朋友玩

play among flowers在花丛中嬉戏

play the music播放音乐

put on a play上演一部戏剧

play/act the fool扮丑相,装傻

play hide-and-seek玩捉迷藏

play basketball打篮球

play football踢足球

play volleyball打排球

play baseball打棒球

play golf打高尔夫球

play ping-pong打乒乓球

play table tennis打网球

play badminton打羽毛球

play hockey打曲棍球

play chess下棋

play cards玩扑克牌,打牌

play the piano弹钢琴

play the guitar弹吉他

play the violin拉小提琴

play the drums敲鼓

play the flute吹笛子

play the trumpet吹小号

play against与...对打

4.4play with sb.与play with sth.的区别

①play with sb.和某人一起玩,如:Everyone likes to play with her.


②play with sth.玩某物(如玩具等),如:

He likes playing with the toy car.


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