


本文节选自2021年12月8日发表在《科学》(SCIENCE ADVANCES Vol 7, Issue 50)的论文,Genome-editing prodrug: Targeted delivery and conditional stabilization of CRISPR-Cas9 for precision therapy of inflammatory disease,基因组编辑前药:CRISPR-Cas9的靶向给药和条件性稳定,用于炎症疾病的精确治疗。

Genome-editing prodrug: Targeted delivery and conditional stabilization of CRISPR-Cas9 for precision therapy of inflammatory disease



conditional 有条件的 ; 条件的 ; 附带条件的 ; 依…而定的 ; 条件句,条件从句(由if或unless引起的) ; 动词的条件式(如should用在If I should die...)

stabilization 固定 ; 币值的稳定

precision 精确 ; 准确 ; 细致 ; 精确的

therapy 治疗 ; 疗法

Regulation of CRISPR-Cas9 functions in vivo is conducive to developing precise therapeutic genome editing.


Here, we report a CRISPR-Cas9 prodrug nanosystem (termed NanoProCas9), which combines the targeted delivery and the conditional activation of CRISPR-Cas9 for the precision therapy of inflammatory bowel disease.


NanoProCas9 is composed of (i) cationic poly(β-amino ester) (PBAE) capable of complexing plasmid DNA encoding destabilized Cas9 (dsCas9) nuclease, (ii) a layer of biomimetic cell membrane coated on PBAE/plasmid nanocomplexes for the targeted delivery of PBAE/dsCas9 complexes, and (iii) the stimuli-responsive precursory molecules anchored on the exofacial membrane.


The systemic administration of NanoProCas9 enables the targeted delivery of dsCas9 plasmid into inflammatory lesions, where the precursory small molecule can be activated by ROS signals to stabilize expressed dsCas9, thereby activating Cas9 function for inflammatory genome editing.


The proposed “genome-editing prodrug” presents a proof-of-concept example to precisely regulate CRISPR-Cas9 functions by virtue of particular pathological stimuli in vivo.



in vivo 在生物体内进行的

inflammatory bowel disease 炎性肠病

composed of 由…组成

capable of 可以…的 ; 能…的 ; 易…的 ; 敢于…的

cell membrane 细胞膜

In this study, we developed a conditionally activatable CRISPR-Cas9 nanoassembly, which serves as prodrug for precise inflammatory genome editing.


As a genome-editing prodrug, whereas dsCas9 is subjected to ubiquitin-dependent proteasomal degradation in nonspecific tissues, it becomes stabilized and functional after being delivered to the inflammatory lesion, where the precursory small-molecule stabilizer can be released under the ROS stimuli to transform into its active form.


The conditional activation by NanoProCas9 could afford deep-tissue genome editing, which well avoids previous challenges in the penetration depth that the optical regulation of CRISPR-Cas9 suffers.


The MM not only plays an important role in directing NanoProCas9 to the inflammatory lesion but also serves as a supporter for anchoring small-molecule stabilizers.


Thus, the systemic administration of NanoProCas9 enables the targeted delivery of dsCas9 plasmid into inflammatory lesions, where the precursory small molecule can be transformed into its active form under the ROS signals to stabilize expressed dsCas9.


This also explains why NanoProCas9-mediated genome editing presents in a site-specific manner and can be activated exclusively in the inflammatory lesions.



inflammatory lesion 炎性病变

transform into 把…转变成…

active form 【医】激活型

but also 而且

A number of previous investigations suggest that MM-coated delivery vesicles could preferentially target inflammation lesions; however, we still found that a large portion of these biomimetic nanoparticles were trapped by MPS in the liver (followed by lung and spleen) when the plasmid encoding wild-type Cas9 was delivered, causing considerable nontargeted, nonspecific genome editing at these organs.


So far, several other effective approaches are reported to alleviate nonspecific genome editing in the liver. For example, Siegwart and coworkers reported a selective organ targeting (SORT) strategy by which lipid-based nanoparticles with the addition of a component (SORT molecule) can selectively deliver Cas9 mRNA to the target tissue, which represents an appealing way to minimize nonspecific editing in the liver.

到目前为止,已经报道了几种其他有效的方法来减轻肝脏中的非特异性基因组编辑。例如,Siegwart及其同事报道了一种选择性器官靶向(SORT)策略,通过该策略,添加成分(SORT分子)的脂质纳米粒可以选择性地将Cas9 mRNA传递到靶组织,这是一种减少肝脏非特异性编辑的有吸引力的方法。

Another possible strategy to avoid nonspecific editing in the liver is to express Cas9 with an inducible promoter, or a promoter that is active only in specific biological contexts.


Unfortunately, the nonspecific genome editing in the liver is largely unexplored in these reported systems.


In the current study, NanoProCas9, as a genome-editing prodrug system, can significantly decrease the nonspecific editing in the liver, with an indel frequency less than 3%.


These encouraging results suggest that the NanoProCas9 system is generally inert in the liver despite its nonspecific distribution.



A number of 一些 ; 许多的

biomimetic 仿生化的

followed by 紧随其后;其次是

nonspecific 非特异性的,有不止一种原因的 ; 不明确的;非特定的

So far 目前为止 ; 如此程度 ; 这个地步 ; 迄今为止

For example 例如 ; 比如

During our study, we did not observe the obvious side effects of local disruption of PHD2 in the colon tissue.


Although it was reported that systemic conditional knockout of PHD2 in adult animals could induce angiogenesis, erythrocytosis, and changes in energy metabolism with ultimately lethal consequences, the inflammation-specific genome editing meditated by NanoProCas9 can well evade the systemic disruption of PHD2, thereby greatly ensuring the safety profiles of genome editing at PHD2 locus.


Besides, owing to the restricted nuclease activity to a narrow temporal window, the conditional activation of genome editing mediated by NanoProCas9 also significantly reduces off-target mutations, which is similar to our previous findings and in agreement with other reports.


Regarding the clinical translation of NanoProCas9, the background activity of dsCas9 needs to be strictly limited. To address this issue, future efforts should be dedicated to screening different variants of dsCas9 by optimizing the number and position of DHFR domains in DHFR-fused Cas9 protein.


Furthermore, the delivery of mRNA encoding dsCas9, instead of the plasmid form, may also contribute to lowering the background activity by shortening the time of dsCas9 expression.


These strategies are expected to boost the safety profiles of NanoProCas9 that are considered for clinical translation.



did not 没有 ; 未 ; 的缩写

erythrocytosis 红细胞增多症

energy metabolism 能量代谢

meditated 冥想 ; 沉思 ; 暗自策划 ; 考虑 ; 谋划 ; meditate的过去分词和过去式

owing to 因为 ; 由于

nuclease 核酸酶

similar to 类似

in agreement with 同意,与…一致

background activity 自发活动, 本底放射性

In summary, as a proof-of-concept study, the NanoProCas9 system integrates targeted delivery and conditional activation of CRISPR-Cas9, offering a precise, site-specific therapeutic genome editing for inflammatory diseases.


Such a system can avoid off-target mutations at nontargeted sites, thereby minimizing potential genotoxicity in those nonspecific tissues or organs.


The NanoProCas9 system represents an innovative genome-editing prodrug and can be expanded to many other inflammatory diseases, such as lung/liver injury, atherosclerosis, and stroke.


By virtue of similar engineering principles, such an inducible CRISPR system may also be tailored for the clinical scenarios where the epigenetic regulation or RNA editing is required in addition to genome editing.


Collectively, the current study offers new insights for the rational design of CRISPR-Cas–based systems for safe, precise genome editing to accelerate the clinical translation.


As a number of physiological and pathological signals, such as ATP, redox, and pH, can be leveraged to develop different types of genome-editing prodrugs, our current study opens a new avenue to precisely regulate CRISPR-Cas–based systems in vivo for more complicated and diverse genome-editing contexts.



nonspecific 非特异性的,有不止一种原因的 ; 不明确的;非特定的

such as 例如 ; 像 ; 象…这样 ; 诸如…之类

in addition to 另外,加之,除…之外






