


When you think of Australian Landscape, what comes to mind first? Charming tropical rainforests; A dry and barren desert known as the Red Center; Snow-capped peaks; A meadow full of sheep; Steep mountains; Or is it a beach with blue waves? As a country with the most extensive and abundant natural landscape, Australia's landscape design background has natural development advantages. However, under the influence of region, economy and history, the historical development of Landscape design in Australia finally began to form diversified, ecological, natural, localized and sustainable modern landscape characteristics in the 1960s after the original aborigines, "copying" Britain and "learning" America.

今天,园景君要介绍的事务所,是源起澳大利亚却在国际上都表现极为出色的景观工作室——ASPECT Studios

Today, we introduce ASPECT Studios, an Australian-born but internationally renowned landscape studio.


▲ ASPECT Studios 上海工作室



▲ ASPECT Studios 悉尼工作室

ASPECT Studios是一支创自澳大利亚,从事景观设计、城市设计、多媒体设计,追求卓越创新的国际专业设计团队。自成立以来,ASPECT Studios 已在国际上获奖百十余项,众多荣誉不仅仅是对ASPECT Studios专业能力的认可,也是对他们优秀设计理念的肯定。

ASPECT Studios is an Australia-based international design team dedicated to excellence and innovation in landscape, urban and multimedia design. Since its inception, ASPECT Studios has won more than a hundred international awards, Which have not only recognized ASPECT Studios’professional expertise but also their excellent design ethos.


▲ ASPECT Studios 联合创始人兼董事

目前,ASPECT Studios由三位联合创始人Chris Razzell、Kirsten Bauer、Sacha Coles带领全球墨尔本、悉尼、上海、广州、阿德莱德、布里班斯、迪拜、珀斯、胡志明市9个城市和超200人的设计团队。

Currently, ASPECT Studios is led by its three co-founders Chris Razzell, Kirsten Bauer and Sacha Coles and operates in nine cities around the world -- Melbourne, Sydney, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Adelaide, Brisbane, Dubai, Perth and Ho Chi Minh City -- with a design team of over 200 people.

在为人们创造城市的过程中,ASPECT Studios的设计过程专注于汇集和表达地域、景观、历史、社会风貌和文化内涵。他们倡导有创造性的解决问题,尝试人们与周围环境互动的新方式,并邀请全龄段的使用者以原始的方式与自然互动。

In creating cities for people, ASPECT Studios' design process focuses on bringing together and expressing place, landscape, history, society and culture. They advocate creative problem solving, experiment with new ways for people to interact with their surroundings, and invite users of all ages to interact with nature in primitive ways.

ASPECT Studios还寻求将概念理论与数字技术、系统与实践、同步与交织相结合的设计方法。通过图像绘制、物理模型制作、参数化建模、BIM等方式,这使他们在应对复杂的问题时也能创建合适的解决方案,同时还能与利益相关者进行简单清晰的沟通。

ASPECT Studios also seeks a design approach that combines conceptual theory with digital technology, systems with practice, synchronization with interweaving. Through image rendering, physical modeling, parametric modeling, BIM, etc., this enables them to create appropriate solutions to complex problems while communicating simply and clearly with stakeholders.


作为景观设计师和城市规划师,ASPECT Studios的核心设计理念是——采用以人为本和生态响应的景观设计方法,交付具有挑战性和令使用者感到愉悦的项目,同时以可持续的方式改善人类和自然系统的生活。其中,坚持可持续发展生态设计是ASPECT Studios设计中的重中之重和根本原则,力求在每个设计作品中寻找经济利益、生态环境与社会效益的平衡点。

As landscape architect and urban planner, ASPECT Studios' core design philosophy is to use a people-centered and ecologically responsive approach to landscape design to deliver projects that are challenging and enjoyable to users, while improving the lives of people and natural systems in a sustainable way. Sustainable ecological design is the most important and fundamental principle of ASPECT Studios, which strives to strike a balance between economic, ecological and social benefits in every design.


© ASPECT Studios

卓越品质 High Design Quality


© ASPECT Studios

ASPECT Studios始终保持着重视设计作品的品质,打造精品项目的初心。在每一个景观设计推进的过程中,团队都会展开大量的讨论、调查、构思,并和相关专业的技术人员进行深层次的探讨。ASPECT Studios的设计作品不仅反映出了设计师对社会的责任感,在满足业主需求的同时,还综合考虑社会、经济、生态效益,从而实现项目的品质和效果。

ASPECT Studios continues to focus on the quality of its design and the quality of its projects. In the process of advancing each landscape design, the team will carry out a large number of discussions, investigations, ideas, and in-depth discussions with relevant professional and technical personnel. ASPECT Studios' design work not only reflects a sense of social responsibility, but also takes into account social, economic and ecological benefits while meeting the client's needs to achieve project quality and effectiveness.

人性化设计 Design For People


© ASPECT Studios

一个精品项目能够最终完美落地的关键点在于设计师对整个项目的全程跟进,从初期概念设计一直到施工的细节都进行积极思考。设计本身既是解决问题的过程,也是抽象的概念在物理形态上完善的过程。ASPECT Studios重视每一个项目自身的特点,并根据这个特点本身结合最佳的实践与经验,从而寻求有针对性的解决方案,而非只用同一标准来对待不同的问题。

The key to a perfect landing of a high-quality project lies in the designer's follow-up of the whole project, from the initial conceptual design to the details of construction. Design itself is not only the process of solving problems, but also the process of perfecting abstract concepts in physical form. ASPECT Studios focuses on the individual aspects of each project, combining best practices and experience to find a tailored solution, rather than applying one standard to different problems.

可持续发展 Sustainability


© ASPECT Studios

一个成功的设计必须考虑遵循可持续发展的根本原则。生态可持续发展不仅仅只是一句口号,而是整个景观系统运作中的前提。一个项目若是成功且能经历时间考验,设计就必须同周边的自然环境整合。ASPECT Studios认为,一个可持续发展的设计,对项目本身以及使用的人群可以带来巨大的效益。一个好的设计作品,是一个能保持生态可持续发展的,通过扎实的研究和并运用创新的设计而实现的作品。

A successful design must consider following the fundamental principles of sustainability. Ecological sustainable development is not just a slogan, but the premise of the whole landscape system operation. For a project to succeed and stand the test of time, the design must be integrated with the surrounding natural environment. ASPECT Studios believes that a sustainable design can bring huge benefits to both the project itself and the people who use it. A good design work is one that is ecologically sustainable, achieved through solid research and innovative design.



恒基旭辉天地 The Roof(2021IFLA获奖)


© RAW Vision Studio(董良)

The Roof恒基旭辉天地,一个融合了上海传统文化与城市肌理,又大胆、热烈、超群的充满生机的创新空间。在2018年初的时候,ASPECT Studios接到旭辉集团的委托,作为主景观设计顾问加入到由法国著名建筑大师让·努维尔(Jean Nouvel)领衔设计的The Roof项目中,为这座标志性建筑提供景观设计和主体立面的生态垂直绿化设计。在项目设计过程中,传统里弄的DNA渗透在项目设计和决策过程的每一个细节当中,将人与自然共生的愿景,多样化社会生活方式在多个空间层次中表达。大胆的建筑和独特的建筑生态立面,空中平台和空中花园,与随处可见的景观植物花钵的巧妙结合。这些渗透在建筑空间各处的花卉、灌木、树木和悬垂的植物构成了非凡的视觉和空间展示。整个场所与自然产生共鸣,为城市和社区增添了一份特殊的魅力。

A bold biophilic break from the mundane, infused with the characteristics of its traditional context. The Roof intricately weaves its surrounding culture into its unique design, creating a model for future city spaces where people and nature thrive and a unique city destination to see and be seen in. In early 2018 CIFI appointed ASPECT Studios to the project team to deliver the landscape architectural and living facade design of this iconic landmark building by Jean Nouvel. Reflections of the characteristics and DNA of Li’long has been layered into the design and decision process at each opportunity, to form a place equally full of diverse forms of social life and people co-existing and connecting with nature on multiple levels. The spirit of the project is defined by its vivid architecture and unique living façades, sky decks, and sky gardens, with plants everywhere, at all heights and depths. Flowers, shrubs, trees, and draping flora form an extraordinary visual and spatial display. The whole place resonates with the feeling of nature and fresh air, adding a special charm to the city and neighborhood.







© ASPECT Studios

ASPECT Studios巧妙地将周围的文化元素编织到其独特的设计中,并将鲜活的绿色纳入城市,为未来城市创造了一种人与自然繁荣发展,和谐共生的空间模式。与现代上海常见的熙攘、喧嚣的街道不同,里弄的近人尺度的微空间特质自然地将人带入到悠闲缓适的生活状态中。鲜艳明快的红砖与米黄色墙壁构成的线性矮窄巷道;随处可见的绿植盆栽蔓延繁茂生长在建筑表皮、角落、入口、阳台和窗台上,共同孕育出人与绿植、肆意共生的氛围。The roof 携带着其独特的,真诚的城市文化基因,以一独一无二的姿态身处城市中心,注视着城市空间,也被人们注视着,成为了一张颇具辨识度的城市名片。

The Roof intricately weaves its surrounding culture into its unique design, and integrates vibrant green into the city, creating a model for future city spaces where people and nature thrive and a unique city destination to see and be seen in. Unlike the hustle and bustle of contemporary Shanghai, the human scale environment of the Li’long (back streets) naturally takes people to a slower pace of life. It is these vivid red brick and beige framed linear corridors and the abundance of landscape in potted plants that climb, cascade, and thrive on every surface, corner, entrance, balcony and ledge that creates the natural forming and spontaneous biophilic environment intrinsic to the Li’long. The Roof represents a new era of contemporary urban development within its authentic cultural context.





© RAW Vision Studio(董良)


© ASPECT Studios





重庆光环购物公园 The Ring


© 王文杰

重庆光环购物公园(The Ring)是国内首个将自然与商业融合,具有开创性的城市商业空间新形态。光环购物公园重新定义了公共商业空间模式,即是将自然、社会文化带入商业空间使其转变为具有社交属性、自然属性的综合空间,为在城市中生活的人们创造更多美好瞬间和体验,并在实际景观设计策略上缓解城市生态环境的压力。

Nestled in Chongqing’s urban heart, ASPECT Studios has crafted a journey through fantasy and natural wonder at The Ring, a landmark community-oriented retail destination. The project shifts the emphasis from commercial exchange to social exchange and connection to nature. The provision of much-needed accessible public open space, a multitude of facilities, and unique indoor and outdoor experiences are tailored for the enjoyment of a diverse community.



© 王文杰


© xf photograph

在重庆这样一个人口密集、规模庞大的城市中,如何让自然以充满想象力的方式回归城市生活空间成为景观设计师们的突破口。ASPECT在景观设计中从深海中汲取灵感。使得游客从抵达的那一刻起就开启了一段多维度的神秘探索旅程。通过一系列起伏变化的空间,和层次丰富的绿植设置,营造出梦幻般的海底世界,结合从魔鬼鱼(manta ray)中提取的抽象元素,吸引人们进入这里,仿佛置身真实的海底世界,这里有一群“魔鬼鱼”在这一片海洋空间中自由畅游。

In a city as dense and as large as Chongqing, the reinsertion of nature back into urban life requires an imaginative solution. ASPECT’s design spins a narrative inspired by the natural environment, with visitors embarking on a multi-dimensional voyage from the moment they arrive. Locally sourced materials have been incorporated to reflect oceanic characteristics and movements. A metaphorical school of “manta rays,” sketched out in groupings of facilities, spaces, lookouts, experiences and shaded seating planters, reflects the idea of community.



© 王文杰




© xf photograph


© 王文杰



Macquarie University Central Courtyard


© Brett Boardman

众所周知,教育的方式已经发生了实质性的变化,如何最好地将学习从讲堂解放到更加灵活、互联的户外空间仍然是大学所面临的急迫问题。ASPECT Studios的新项目麦考瑞大学中央庭院针对该问题给出了一个具有说服力的答案。该项目打破常规,创造了一个宽敞的户外空间,重新构思了校园生活。

It's a truism to say that nature of education has undergone a substantial change. But the question of how to best accommodate the liberation of learning from a lecture theatre to a more mobile, connected world remains a pressing one for universities. One persuasive answer lies in the newly completed Macquarie University Central Courtyard Precinct by ASPECT Studios, a project that has expanded and blurred conventions in the creation of a generous outdoor space that elevates and reimagines campus life.







© Brett Boardman


The new precinct turns the outdoors into a robust and generous venue for study, recreation and relaxation. Its centrepiece is the tree-lined Central Courtyard, which has been thoughtfully assembled to act as the natural staging ground for all manner of activities. Generously sized benches, moveable tables and seats and integrated raised edges invite students to make use of their new space, while amenities for exercise, informal games and larger open spaces ensure a constant hum of activity throughout the precinct. The shift in focus represented here isn’t limited to remote learning – it reflects an attention to wellbeing, an emphasis on ecological guardianship, and an awareness that a move toward more fluid work practices requires spaces that collapse boundaries between uses. New layers of both native and exotic planting have been introduced in the understory, while species chosen for their spreading canopies will reduce urban heat. This planting adds texture and a certain rhythm to the spaces, creating more intimate and lightly defined spaces within the courtyards for groups to gather or for individuals to seek respite.







© Brett Boardman




© 鲁冰

hyperlane 超线公园项目位于成都市新都区核心位置,毗邻四川音乐学院新都校区。作为国内首个超线性空中立体商业公园,业主希望依托校园和周边社区活力人群,构建一座长达2.4公里、充满活力和趣味的立体线性青年文化、生活方式目的地。其中,项目第一阶段的展示区——城市灵感空间现已对外开放。

Hyperlane is a 2.4km multi-level linear sky park, youth culture and lifestyle destination at the heart of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music University in Chengdu. It establishes a vibrant and fun youth, music and life orientated linear space, linking the local transportation hub with the university community and campus in Chengdu. The Urban Gallery, the Initial phase of the project has recently opened.



© Aedas




© 鲁冰

作为整个 hyperlane 超线公园项目的一期建成展示区,景观设计以社交为导向,打造吸引人流聚集的口袋空间。以“社区和联系”这一简单理念为驱动,ASPECT Studios运用大胆和充满活力的设计映射出超线公园前卫、充满艺术及创意活力氛围的项目特质。为了充分体现“社区”的理念,设计师以充满趣味变化丰富的圆形作为点阵衍生出各种功能空间以及种植与水景等特色景观元素。圆形要素的设计系统地实现了景观的灵活性以及各元素统一性之间的平衡,同时在有限的场地内打造出开合有致、空间多样的体验性场所。

The Urban Gallery was the first phase of the hyperlane project and a sociality orientated, pocket place for the community to come together. Defined by the simple notion of ‘community and connection’, the Hyperlane Urban Social Gallery is a bold, vibrant youth-oriented point of identity that reflects the artistic and creative culture of the district. With the singular unifying expression of “Community”, the layered circular form playfully morphs, transforms and adapts to the varying functions and experiences of the place.






© 鲁冰



Darling Square


© Brett Boardman

悉尼达令广场改造项目由业主Lendlease(联实集团)开发打造,邀请隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所和ASPECT Studios分别对建筑和公共区域进行改造,将广场上原有的住宅、商业、零售功能和社区设施聚集在一起,共同围绕成一个公共空间。

Sydney's Darling Square renovation, developed by owner Lendlease, invited Kengo Kuma & Associates and ASPECT Studios to transform the building and public areas respectively, bringing together existing residential, commercial, retail and community functions into a single public space.





© Brett Boardman


With a renewed sense of place and position, urban connections are forged, realigning and reconverging the city with its prior landscape and landmarks. The precinct includes a strong, pedestrian-focused network of city streets, laneways and the 20-metre-wide pedestrian boulevard bisecting the ground plane, with the public square as the focal point. Darling Square embodies a new urban typology, fusing landscape, architecture, art, food and culture. It is home to 4,200 residents, 2,500 workers, and more than 60 retail and food stores, attracting visitors and locals alike.


© ASPECT Studios








© Brett Boardman



Prahran Square


© Peter Bennetts


Prahran Square, one of Australia's largest urban public projects, marks a symbolic shift in the community. The existing car park was transformed into a diverse public space, including a pedestrian street, a central event plaza, parks, gardens, art spaces, integrated retail and community facilities, and underground public parking.



© John Gollings




© Peter Bennetts


The vision was to create a multifunctional open space, including plazas and parks, commercial and public facilities, arts and events, and connecting pedestrian and street Spaces. The design of the plaza meets two key objectives of the owners: to create a safe and flexible public open space and to provide a solution for increasing parking Spaces. The aim was to create a meaningful mixed-use public space in an unremarkable car park, re-creating a diverse public realm for the community. The design creatively addresses the need for above-ground infrastructure for the underground park, resulting in an innovative architectural scheme. It also creates a place for large-scale events, as well as a small, private space for everyday use by the public.



© Peter Bennetts


© John Gollings



Yagan Square


© Peter Bennetts

雅干广场(Yagan Square)作为连接珀斯城市项目的重要一环,是以连结珀斯中央商业中心与Northbridge北桥为目标,设计一个包容且受欢迎的目的地,以此更广泛地展现珀斯乃至西澳大利亚的历史、地域、文化特点。雅干广场占地1.1公顷,是珀斯的主要社区之一,用于举办各式会议、庆典同时也是城市的热门旅游目的地。雅干广场连接着柏斯市中心火车站和汽车站,不仅是主要的交通枢纽,也是该市最繁忙的行人聚集地之一。

As part of the Perth City Link project, the overall brief was to design an inclusive, welcoming destination that linked Perth’s CBD to Northbridge. This cultural and civic destination aimed to embody all the characteristics of the local area, Perth and Western Australia more broadly. Built on a 1.1 hectare site, Yagan Square is one of Perth’s primary community, meeting and celebration places and tourist destinations. Yagan Square is located within a major transit hub with links to the central Perth Train Station and Perth Busport, at the heart of one of the busiest pedestrian locations in the city.



© Peter Bennetts

雅干广场是为了纪念著名的当地勇士Yagan于2014年5月命名的,该区是西澳大利亚市中心的一个文化展示区,用于展现当地和Whadjuk的遗产、生产、环境和文化的地方。为了创造最真实的文化体验,与Whadjuk社区广泛接触,以Whadjuk人分享的文化为起源,将灵感注入到场地、人、生物和景观创作主题中,让这些主题和故事影响了雅干广场内的诸多设计元素。设计理念完美诠释了雅干广场的愿景—旨在融合当地、珀斯以及西澳大利亚的特色,建立一个包容、开放、充满活力的公众聚集地。将地理、轨迹、叙述、原住民和非原住民以及雅干广场本身的文化连接在一起。当地特色花园更展现了的西澳大利亚独特和多样化的园林植物景观。与多学科艺术家Jon Tarry共同合作完成的大型水景雕塑是Yagan Square雅干广场的一大亮点。这个艺术品一般的雕塑长约190米,由一系列相互连接的石头组成,从上层广场一直延伸到下层购物中心,流畅的设计元素提升了场地的体验感,游客可以随意观赏、触摸、感受并享受其中。

Named in May 2014 in honour of the prominent Aboriginal warrior, Yagan, the precinct is a showcase of Western Australia in the heart of the city – a place that recognises and celebrates local and Whadjuk heritage, produce, environment and culture. Extensive engagement with the Whadjuk community; an innovative process of collaboration to create anauthentic cultural experience. The sharing of cultural knowledge from the Whadjuk people has inspired strong themes of place, people, animals and landscape, with these themes and stories influencing many of the elements within Yagan Square.The design concept responded to the vision of Yagan Square being an inclusive, welcoming and active cultural and civic destination. Embodying all the characteristics of the local area, Perth and Western Australia more broadly. The concept is representative of the ideas of convergence: of geologies, tracks, narratives, indigenous and non-indigenous people and culture within the Square itself. Native gardens showcase the unique and diverse qualities of Western Australia flora and landscape. Visitors can see a variety of Eucalyptus species found in Perth and across the State. The planted gardens also heighten the seasonal characteristics and colours of Western Australia. A large-scale water sculpture forms the centrepiece of Yagan Square, a collaboration between multi-disciplinary artist Jon Tarry. The artwork consists of a series of interconnected stone elements, approximately 190 metres long that descend from the upper levels of the square to the mall below. The sequence provides physical and experiential enhancements to the public landscape, encouraging the visitor to look, touch, feel and enjoy.





© Peter Bennetts



Sub Base Platypus


© Simon Wood

改造项目将位于北悉尼的HMAS Platypus场地变成了一个新的海滨城市公园,140多年来的军事禁区变成了一个可以被公众自由进入的开放绿地。悉尼海港联合会信托基金于2016年委托ASPECT Studios对此项目进行更新改造,并且提出了愿景:打造一个集文化、休闲、商业为一体的城市海滨公园。

The transformational project has turned the HMAS Platypus site at North Sydney into a waterfront urban park, giving access to areas off-limits to the public for over 140 years. The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust commissioned ASPECT Studios to renovate this project in 2016 and set out a vision for a public park incorporating culture, recreation and commercial commerce.




© Simon Wood

公园南北两侧因为场地原有结构被分为两层,中间通过阶梯相连接。场地北端,Northern Stair 是一系列“夹式”循环元素中的第一个,这些循环元素似乎紧贴砂岩悬崖表面。色彩的运用清晰地将元素划分为工业场地的新元素,以及从远处观察时的公共元素。场地南面,Kesterton Park 连接的是一个滨水木质驳岸,将现有的公共区域与新的公共区域连接起来。相同材料的使用创造了与公园北部的联系。

The Northern Park, Northern Stair, Playground and Submariners’ Memorial together form a coherent and discrete public domain space within the broader Sub Base Platypus precinct. They are separated from the neighbourhood by a significant level change, water, and adjacent private properties. At the northern end, the Northern Stair is the first in a series of ‘clip-on’ circulation elements that appear to cling to the sandstone cliff face. The use of colour clearly demarcates the element as a new addition to the industrial site, and a public element when viewed from a distance. To the south, the Kesterton Park link is a new, waterfront ‘boardwalk’ structure that connects the existing public domain to the new. The use of similar materials creates connection to the northern park, whilst addition of timber and stainless steel elements celebrates the waterfront typology.





© Simon Wood



Bondi To Bronte Coastal Walk


© Florian Groehn

邦迪到勃朗特海岸步道(Bondi To Bronte Coastal Walk)是最受关注和欢迎的澳大利亚海岸线之一。2016年6月发生在悉尼的严重的暴风雨,使得威弗利公墓遭到了严重的破坏,邦迪到勃朗特海岸步道属于威弗利公墓遗址的一部分,其完整性也遭到了一定的破坏,出于对使用者安全的考虑,当地委员会邀请ASPECT对受损的范围进行重新设计。

As one of the busiest and most popular coastal trails in Australia, and due to significant erosion from a storm surge that slammed Sydney in June 2016, the Bondi to Bronte Coastal Walk which is also home to the heritage listed Waverley Cemetery was closed over concerns for the safety of its users. ASPECT Studios was commissioned by the local City Council to redesign the damaged area.




© Florian Groehn


ASPECT Studios seized this opportunity to rethink, redevelop and restore this section of the famous track and have since designed and documented the new extension, building on the successful clifftop walk that they completed just over 10 years ago for Waverley Council.





© Florian Groehn



Ian Potter Children’s Wild Play Garden


© Brett Boardman


Risk, joy, and a little magic are the essence of a new children’s playground in Sydney’s Centennial Parklands. Located within Centennial Parklands Learning Centre, WILD PLAY is designed as a learning experience for kids of all abilities aged 2-12. Its botanical adventure covers 6,500 square metres (roughly the size of a rugby field) with tracks and trails winding through densely planted mounds of shrubs and trees, with existing fig trees incorporated for seating and shade.



© Esteban La Tessa



© Brett Boardman

在野趣游乐公园内,孩子们可以跟随着自流的溪河和喷泉,找寻茂密的竹林,在如游动鳗鱼般的蜿蜒小径里探索无花果树林,或锻炼毅力,穿过平旋桥、攀爬树屋。“孩子喜欢发现、挑战、运动和冒险。他们在自然中就会很开心,可以玩水、爬树、在水池里跳跃、在树林里捉迷藏。竹林、山龙眼灌木丛和洞穴是体验躲藏、被包围、躲避和迂回行进的地方,而水游乐是沉浸其中、轻松、欢乐和惊喜的地方。树屋是感受刺激的地方,让你走出自己的舒适圈。隧道则让你体验穴居动物的生活。” —— ASPECT Studios总监Sacha Coles这样叙述。

WILD PLAY lets kids adventure through an artesian water basin of creek beds and fountains, tunnel their way through thick bamboo, navigate a balancing course in the form of an ‘eel’, snaking its way around fig trees, or cross a swing bridge and test their mettle climbing a treehouse.“Kids like discovery, challenges, movement and adventure. They thrive on being in nature – playing with water, climbing trees, jumping through puddles, hiding in trees. We know this instinctively as parents, and as designers we build these observations into our work,” Sacha Coles , ASPECT Studios Director.





© Brett Boardman





© Esteban La Tessa



The Meningie Lakefront Habitat Restoration Project


© Don Brice


The Meningie Lakefront Habitat Restoration Project aims to improve habitat for local flora and fauna and to generate enhanced social capital and community spirit in the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth region of South Australia. The project was announced in 2009 at the height of the drought, during which time, water levels in the Lower Lakes and Lake Albert in particular, had reached record low levels with salinity presenting a high risk to the health of an already fragile environment.





© Don Brice


ASPECT Studios was commissioned by the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) to design and superintend the construction of site infrastructure including two viewing platforms, a bird viewing platform and beach stabilisation seating. The works complement an existing interpretive pathway which included signage and seating to guide visitors along the foreshore and provide insight into European, Indigenous and environmental history of the area. Responding to a relatively open brief that focused on integration with the recently constructed works and durability, ASPECT Studios design direction took reference from the inherent site qualities – water’s edge, meandering walks and marginal habitat. In keeping with the intent to rehabilitate lakefront plantings along the edge of the reserve, the viewing platforms were kept low and discreet, blending in with the surrounding lake edge. The simplicity of material use including composite timber, steel plate and concrete, met the design brief requirements for durability managed to achieve a design life of 100 years for all elements. Interpretive signage plates were designed in-house to compliment the form and character of the interventions, and provide visitors with information on the local flora and fauna that can be found in the areas.







© Don Brice



Darling Quarter


© John Marmaras

悉尼达令港南部,也就是被人们熟知的Darling Quarter,是澳大利亚最引人入胜的旅游目的地之一,亦是悉尼最能展现城市新风貌的重点工程项目。项目占地1.5公顷,中心是一座4000平方米的儿童游乐场,也是悉尼CBD内最大的儿童游乐场。为了突出达令港工业港口的特色,游乐场以“水”为主题,打造一系列具有创意的互动游戏空间。

Darling Harbour South, now known as Darling Quarter, is one of Australia’s most visited destinations and a key project to showcase the cityscape of Sydney. A major 1.5 hectare place-making project for Sydney with a retail terrace, public park, two 6-star commercial buildings and an innovative children’s playground as its centre piece. At over 4000 sqm, the playground is the largest in the Sydney CBD and with its interactive water play facilities has become a regional attraction for Sydney.




© Florian Groehn


© John Marmaras


Drawing from darling Harbour's industrial past, the design recreates the landscape of Australia's major rivers in the playground through abstract art forms. The use of fine children's water amusement equipment and natural materials introduced from Germany ensures the safety of amusement, while encouraging the communication and cooperation between children and their companions, exploring and enjoying this wonderful water world. In addition, various types of amusement equipment and functional facilities, so that people of all ages can participate in and enjoy the fun. The strategy of rainwater filtration and recycling, and the adoption of state-of-the-art energy-saving lamps, are examples of the designers' emphasis on social and ecological sustainability.





© Florian Groehn


© Hamish Ta-me


© Florian Groehn

在本文编辑的过程中,园景君常常会感叹ASPECT Studios优质项目之多,一篇文章无法做到一一介绍,只能挑选其中部分进行简单叙述。喜欢ASPECT Studios的读者朋友们欢迎去ASPECT官网(https://www.aspect-studios.com/)进行更多了解。

During the editing of this article, the authors often marveled at the sheer number of quality projects at ASPECT Studios that couldn't be covered in a single article. Readers who like ASPECT Studios are welcome to visit the ASPECT website (https://www.aspect-studios.com/) to learn more.


Which of the 12 landscape projects we introduced today did you like best? "Where is the Magic Office" series of tweets, and which landscape office would you like to see appear? You are welcome to leave your comments in the comments section!

