

1.期初余额 Opening balance

期初余额(Opening balance)是指期初已存在的账户余额。期初余额以上期期末余额为基础,反映了以前期间的交易和上期采用的会计政策的结果。1.期初已存在的账户余额是由上期结转至本期的金额,或是上期期末余额调整后的金额。通常,期初余额是上期账户结转至本期账户的余额,在数额上与相应账户的上期期末余额相等。但是,由于受上期期后事项、会计政策变更、前期会计差错更正等诸因素的影响,上期期末余额结转至本期时,有时需经过调整或重新表述。2.期初余额反映了以前期间的交易和上期采用的会计政策的结果。期初余额应以客观存在的经济业务为根据,是被审计单位按照上期采用的会计政策对以前会计期间发生的交易和事项处理后的结果。3.期初余额与注册会计师首次接受委托相联系。广义地讲,注册会计师无论是首次接受委托对被审计单位的财务报表进行审计,还是执行连续审计业务,都会涉及期初余额审计。但在连续审计业务中,注册会计师在当期审计中通常只需关注被审计单位经审计的上期期末余额是否已正确结转至本期,或者是否在适当的情况下已作出调整或重新表述,很少需要再实施其他专门的审计程序。

The opening balance is the balance that is brought forward at the beginning of an accounting period from the end of a previous accounting period or when starting out. The opening balance is the amount of funds in a company's account at the beginning of a new financial period. It is the first entry in the accounts, either when a company is first starting up its accounts or after a year-end. In an operating firm, the ending balance at the end of one month or year becomes the opening balance for the beginning of the next month or accounting year. The opening balance may be on the credit or debit side of the ledger. 相关例句如下,可供参考:


Opening balances are most important when a company finishes an accounting year, and ends up with a closing balance - the last balance in the accounts. This balance is carried forward to the new financial year accounts and then becomes the opening balance - the first entry in the new accounting period.



Any interest charged on debit balances which is not paid at the close of an interest period will be added to the opening balance for the next interest period.



The opening balance is used in the beginning of a financial plan on the opening balance sheet. The length of time that a company has been operating determines what should appear on the opening balance sheet.


2.期末余额 Closing balance

期末余额(Closing balance)是指期初余额加本期增加发生额和本期减少发生额相抵后的差额,也就是在一定时期的期末结出的账户余额。

期末余额=期初余额 本期增加发生额-本期减少发生额


A closing balance is an amount of funds your business has at the end of a particular chosen accounting period — a day, a month, a quarter or a year. Once you calculate the closing balance, you pass it on the next accounting period and the figure becomes the opening balance for that period. For example, if your closing balance is £15,000 for 31 December 2019, your opening balance for 1 January 2020 will also be £15,000. A closing balance is also referred to by abbreviations c/d and c/f, meaning ‘carried down’ and ‘carried forward’ as it is moved on to the next accounting period. 以下为相关例句:


A closing balance is the amount remaining in an account within your chart of accounts, positive or negative, at the end of an accounting period or year end. It's easy to stay on top of the balance of your accounts with online accounting software like Debitoor.



For your business’s assets and liabilities, or in other words what your business owns and what it owes, the closing balance at the end of the last period will be the same as the opening balance at the start of the new one.



The balance of a bank account at the end of a period, such as a month or year. If the closing balance is listed on a bank statement, it indicates the closing balance on the date the statement was printed.


