

The director of the Beijing 2022 opening ceremony, Zhang Yimou, gave Friday night’s performance a resounding thumbs-up, describing the lighting of the main cauldron(主火炬) at the National Stadium 56 an innovation in Olympic history.

At the end of the grand show, a large snowflake acted as 57 unique cauldron, with the Olympic flame 58 (burn) in the center. The snowflake is framed by olive branches and composed of smaller flakes representing the 91

59 (country) and regions competing at the Games.

Earlier, seven torchbearers, including current and retired Chinese athletes,

60 (complete) the final stage of the torch relay into the venue, also known as the Bird’s Nest, and where the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics 61 (stage) too. Two young athletes-men’s Nordic combined competitor Zhao Jiawen and women’s cross-country skier Dinigeer Yilamujiang from the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region-jointly lit the cauldron, 62 is considered to be more simplified than 63 used at previous Games.

Zhang said the positioning of the flame in the heart of the snowflake symbolizes the origins of the human race-protected and cared for by the people of the world, so that it could 64 (pass) down from generation to generation. “I think that’s a beautiful concept to showcase. It also showcased the Olympic spirit,” he said. “We wanted to highlight the Beijing 2022 motto, ‘Together for a Shared Future’, to stress the solidarity of mankind. 65 (especial) today, the world is facing a difficult time. We hope that through such performances, we can present to the world a warm touch.”

56. as

57. a

58. burning

59. countries

60. completed

61. were staged

62. which

63. those

64. be passed

65. Especially


56. 考查介词。第一段意思为:北京2022年冬奥会开幕式导演张艺谋对周五晚上的表演赞不绝口,称国家体育场主火炬的点火仪式是奥运历史上的一次创新。根据搭配describe sb./sth. as sth.“把……描述为/形容成/称为……”可得知此处填介词as。

【resounding】 (very great)巨大的;令人瞩目的

e.g. a resounding victory/win/defeat 巨大的胜利╱成功╱失败

The evening was a resounding success .


57. 考查冠词。本句句意为:在盛大的表演结束时,一片巨大的雪花充当了一个独特的“火炬”,奥运圣火在中央燃烧。由此可知,此处应该用不定冠词,但unique虽是元音字母开头,但发音不是元音音素,故填不定冠词a。

58. 考查非谓语动词。读通句子,不难看出此处是with O. O.C.的复合结构,由此得出此处考查填非谓语动词,且the Olympic flame与动词burn为主动关系,故填burning。

59. 考查名词复数。由91个国家可知,此处考查名词的复数,故填countries。

60. 考查谓语动词。本句句意为:早些时候,包括中国现役和退役运动员在内的7名火炬手完成了火炬进入鸟巢的最后传递阶段,这里也是2008年北京奥运会开幕式和闭幕式的举办地。分析句子成分,可知主语是seven torchbearers,谓语动词是设空处的complete,宾语是the final stage of the torch relay into the venue。再根据时间状语Earlier可知此处应填谓语动词过去式completed。

61. 考查谓语动词。此部分句子是接在介词as后,由where引导的宾语从句,句中缺少谓语动词,stage为动词,“上演;举办;举行”,且是过去时态,故填were staged。

62. 考查关系代词。本句句意为:两名年轻的运动员——男子北欧两项(Nordic combined)选手赵佳文和来自新疆维吾尔自治区的女子越野滑雪(cross-country skiing)选手迪尼吉尔·依拉木江——共同点燃了圣火,这被认为比以往奥运会所使用火炬的更简单。根据句意可知,此空指代前面的句子,考查非限制性发定语从句,故填which。

63. 考查指示代词。认真分析句子成分,可知此处应填代词,指代前面提到的cauldron,属于同一类事物,且此处是复数,故填those。如果是单数或者不可数名词,则填that。

64. 考查谓语动词。本句句意为:张艺谋说,置于雪花中心位置的圣火,象征着人类的起源,受到世界人民的保护和关心,这样它就可以代代相传。根据句意可知,此处考查情态动词后接动词原形的用法, 且为被动语态,故填be passed。

【pass sth.←→down】使世代相传;流传

65. 考查副词。此处考查形容词改副词的用法,填Especially,注意首字母大写。

