



We Can't Fight Climate Change Without Fighting for Gender Equity


As the climate crisis becomes increasingly urgent, organizations around the world have begun investing in a wide array of environmental sustainability initiatives. Some of these efforts target technological solutions, while others prioritize behavioral or economic changes, but what the vast majority have in common is a single-minded focus on reducing carbon emissions. And to be sure, this is an important goal — but a growing body of research suggests that real progress on environmental sustainability requires solutions that also incorporate social sustainability, and in particular, gender equity.


What does gender have to do with environmental sustainability? These two issues may seem unrelated, but they are in fact closely intertwined. Indeed, a comprehensive report from United Nations (UN) Women found that women are disproportionately impacted by most if not all of the challenges highlighted in the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For example, natural disasters (which have become more common due to the climate crisis) often disproportionately affect women, children, the poor, the elderly, and the disabled, whose perspectives often go unheard or ignored.

性别与环境可持续性有什么关系?这两个问题看似没有联系,但实际上关联紧密。事实上,根据联合国妇女署(UN Women)的一份全面报告发现,联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)中指出的大部分挑战(如果不是全部的话)对女性的影响格外严重。例如,自然灾害(由于气候危机而变得更加普遍)往往不同程度地影响着女性、儿童、穷人、老年人和残疾人,这些群体的观点往往没人理睬或被忽视。

Women and girls in many regions in the Global South are typically responsible for collecting water, which becomes a lot more taxing during droughts, and in Europe, women are more likely than men to live in flood zones, where the impact of climate change is felt most severely. Studies have also shown that gender-based violence, including physical, psychological, and reproductive violence against women, becomes more prevalent after natural disasters, with complex and far-reaching consequences on health and well-being.




文本选自:Harvard Business Review(哈佛商业评论)

作者:Jamie L. Gloor, Eugenia Bajet Mestre, Corinne Post, and Winfried Ruigrok

原文发布时间:26 Jul. 2022


One who has seen the ocean thinks nothing of mere rivers.

