原文标题:Year of the ratHamelin on the HudsonEric Adams, New York’s Pied Piper, declares war on rats鼠年哈德逊河畔的哈梅林纽约有号召力的埃里克·亚当斯,向老鼠宣战The mayor vows to fight the city’s latest plague市长宣告要与这座城市最新的“瘟疫”作斗争

[Paragraph 1] ASIDE FROM the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building, is there a more quintessential image of New York than a rat carefully, nay heroically, carrying a slice of pizza down some subway stairs? 除了自由女神像和帝国大厦之外,还有什么比老鼠更能代表纽约形象?老鼠会小心翼翼而又大摇大摆地带一片披萨下地铁楼梯。The horror and admiration of New Yorkers sent footage of “Pizza Rat” viral in 2015. Little admiration has been directed at rats of late. 2015年,纽约人对老鼠既害怕又欣赏的情绪让《披萨鼠》视频在网上走红。最近,很少有人会对老鼠表示欣赏。

Rat sightings, as reported to the city’s 311 customer-service number, rose by more than 70% in the first nine months of the year against the same period in 2020. 据纽约市的市民热线服务“311”的报告,今年前9个月,老鼠的数量相比2020年同期,增长率超过70%。Eric Adams, the mayor, said recently his administration will make the Big Apple liveable by “fighting crime, fighting inequality, fighting rats”.市长埃里克·亚当斯最近表示,政府将通过“打击犯罪、打击不平等、打击老鼠”,让纽约变成一个更宜居的城市。


[Paragraph 2] Mr Adams and Jessica Tisch, the Department of Sanitation commissioner, have a plan to end rodents’ “all-night, all-you-can-eat-buffet”.


Rubbish, now left on the curb for up to 14 hours, will be picked up within four.


After all, Ms Tisch says, “rats don’t run this city, we do.”


The city has hired McKinsey, a consulting firm, to study scalable rat-proof trash containers.


“People think it’s so easy, ‘why not copy and paste Barcelona [which has underground containers]?’” says Ms Tisch.


But New York is a far denser city, so more trash below its streets would compete for space with sewers, fibre-optic cables and the subway.


Mr Adams will soon announce more anti-rat schemes. 亚当斯先生将很快宣布更多的灭鼠计划。[Paragraph 3] Last month the city council passed a rat pack(age) of bills, which includes designating areas with high infestation as mitigation zones, allowing targeted rodent management.


Another bill requires the use of licensed exterminators as a condition for construction permits.


“They may be our neighbours, but they are not our friends,” says Shaun Abreu, who co-sponsored the package. “If we don’t take the war to them, they’ll take it to us.”


Some New Yorkers have taken matters into their own hands. One long-established group of rat vigilantes, called the Ryders Alley Trencher-Fed Society (RATS), hunt the vermin with their dogs.一些纽约人已经在自己动手灭鼠了。一个创建已久的灭鼠小分队“赖德巷猎犬会”,他们用狗捉老鼠。[Paragraph 4] But all these efforts may not be enough. Controlling rats will require everyone who lives or works in the city to play a role.


Therein lies the problem, says an urban rodentologist. “One bad property-owner on a block of ten beautiful homes can cause the entire block to experience sightings of rats.” Rats take advantage of weakness.一位城市啮齿动物学家说,问题就出在这里。“10栋漂亮房子组成的街区里,1个糟糕的业主可能会让整个街区都鼠满为患。”老鼠会钻空子。[Paragraph 5] They are tenacious and bold. They eat what people eat, be it pizza or caviar.


They can squeeze through a hole the size of a coin and can fall five storeys without injury.


They chew through pipes and cinder blocks and gnaw on wires.


And rat puns aside, rats are no joke. They carry disease and parasites.


A Columbia University study in 2014 found that New York City rats carry 15 pathogens and 18 viruses never seen before in the city.哥伦比亚大学2014年的一项研究发现,纽约市老鼠携带了15种病原体和18种前所未见的病毒。[Paragraph 6]

As bad as it is, the Big Apple is not the worst.


Chicago has been America’s rattiest city for eight consecutive years, according to Orkin, a pest-control company.


New York, which ranks second, can only hope that Mr Adams lives up to his new moniker, “the Verminator”, to ensure a happy twist in the tail.排在第二位的纽约只能希望亚当斯先生不辜负他的新绰号“老鼠终结者”,以确保在灭鼠行动上能扭转乾坤。(恭喜读完,本篇英语词汇量576左右)原文出自:2022年11月12日《TE》United States版块。


本文翻译整理: Irene

本文编辑校对: Irene仅供个人英语学习交流使用。



纽约灭鼠“小分队”叫作“赖德巷猎犬会”(Ryders Alley Trencher-fed Society)。值得一提的事,这个协会的缩写就是RATS(老鼠),似乎是对纽约人人喊打的生物的无声挑衅。

【重点句子】(3 个)Rubbish, now left on the curb for up to 14 hours, will be picked up within four.现在留在路边的垃圾长达14个小时,未来4小时内就会被捡走。But all these efforts may not be enough. Controlling rats will require everyone who lives or works in the city to play a role.但所有这些努力可能还不够。控制老鼠需要每个在城市生活或工作的人发挥作用。They can squeeze through a hole the size of a coin and can fall five storeys without injury.它们可以挤进硬币大小的洞里,从五层楼高的建筑物掉下也会毫发无损。


