potato chips英语单词快速记忆法(Chick-Susan教英语名词卡)(1)

Hi, little darling~

Today we are going to look at one animal, it is chick, chick, chick.

What color is the chick?

it's yellow.

It's a yellow chick。

What does the chick say?

A chick says chuckle,chuckle,chuckle.

What does the chick want to eat?

rice and corn 。

A chick likes to eat rice and corn.

Who is the chick's mother?

A hen.

A hen is the chick's mother.

Okay, now please read after me one more time:chick, chick, chick!

potato chips英语单词快速记忆法(Chick-Susan教英语名词卡)(2)
