acrid (ˈækrɪd) adja(表加强) cri(cry异变,【哭】) d(形容词性):到了让人哭的程度,即,我来为大家科普一下关于gre词汇100个?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



acrid (ˈækrɪd) adj

a(表加强) cri(cry异变,【哭】) d(形容词性):到了让人哭的程度,即

1. unpleasantly pungent or sharp to the smell or taste【刺鼻的,难闻的】

2. sharp or caustic, esp in speech or nature【尖锐的;刻薄的】

acrimonious (ˌækrɪˈməʊnɪəs) adj

acri(acrid[刻薄的]) moni(many异化,[许多]) ous(形容词性):许多刻薄的,即

characterized by bitterness or sharpness of manner, speech, temper, etc【尖酸刻薄的】

acrimoniously adv

acrimoniousness n

acrimony (ˈækrɪmənɪ) n, pl -nies

bitterness or sharpness of manner, speech, temper, etc

acrobat (ˈækrəˌbæt) n

acro(across异化,穿过) bat(球拍):穿过球拍,联想到【杂技演员】

1. (Theatre) an entertainer who performs acts that require skill, agility, and coordination, such as tumbling, swinging from a trapeze, or walking a tightrope

2. a person noted for his frequent and rapid changes of position or allegiances: a political acrobat.

acrobatic adj

acrobatically adv

acrophobia (ˌækrəˈfəʊbɪə) n


(Psychiatry) abnormal fear or dread of being at a great height

acuity (əˈkjuːɪtɪ) n

keenness or acuteness, esp in vision or thought (尤指思想或感官)敏锐

acumen (ˈækjʊˌmɛn; əˈkjuːmən) n

acu(accurate简化,准确的) men(人)精确的人,即【敏锐;精明】

the ability to judge well; keen discernment; insight

acute (əˈkjuːt) adj

a mark (') placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation

位于元音上方的标记 (') 以指示发音

having or experiencing a rapid onset and short but severe course; "acute appendicitis";

具有或经历快速发作和短暂但严重的病程; “急性阑尾炎”;

extremely sharp or intense; "acute pain"; "felt acute annoyance"; "intense itching and burning"

极其尖锐或强烈的; “急性疼痛”; “感到非常烦恼”; “强烈的瘙痒和灼热”

having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions;"an acute observer of politics";


of an angle; less than 90 degrees

一个角; 小于 90 度

of critical importance and consequence


adage (ˈædɪdʒ) n

a traditional saying that is accepted by many as true or partially true; proverb【格言】

adamant (ˈædəmənt)


unshakable in purpose, determination, or opinion; unyielding【坚定不移的】


any unyieldingly hard substance.


a legendary stone of impenetrable hardness, formerly sometimes identified with the diamond.


adapt (əˈdæpt)


to make suitable to requirements or conditions; adjust or modify fittingly.

使符合要求或条件; 适当调整或修改


to adjust oneself to different conditions, environment, etc.

