Hi my friends. If the business can only be done by once. That’s not the good business. Because after the deal, no more. Right? 大家好,如果生意只能做一次, 那不是好生意!因为干完这单后, 就没生意做了!对不对?


But if the business can be continuablely running forever, and that’s the best business. You have forever deals, right? 但如果一种生意可以无限量的做下去, 那这才是最好的生意!因为你有无限的订单! 对不对? The water in the bottle can only be drank by once. But the water in the river can be drank forever. You got it? 瓶子里的水,只能喝一次!而河流里的水, 却可以永远的喝下去!明白了吗? The important thing that is not to find out the bottle. The important thing is about how to find out the river. 重要的事情,不是去找那个装水的瓶子! 重要的事情,是怎样才能找到那条河!
