12月13日是南京大屠杀发生84周年纪念日,也是第八个南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日。上午10点,南京市举行公祭仪式缅怀30万遇难同胞,现场降半旗,全城鸣笛致哀。December 13 marks the 84th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre and the eighth National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims. National flag flied at half mast and sirens were heard across the city of Nanjing at 10 am as China held a memorial ceremony to mourn the 300,000 victims of the Nanjing Massacre.




【重要讲话】我们通过立法确定了中国人民抗日战争胜利纪念日、烈士纪念日、南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日,举行了隆重活动。对一切为国家、为民族、为和平付出宝贵生命的人们,不管时代怎样变化,我们都要永远铭记他们的牺牲和奉献。Through legislation we have established the Commemorative Day to mark the victory of Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Commemorative Day of Martyrs, and the National Memorial Day to commemorate victims of the Nanjing Massacre. Solemn ceremonies were held on these days. No matter how time changes, the sacrifice and contribution of those who gave their lives for the country, the nation and peace should be bore in mind forever.——2014年12月31日,发表2015年新年贺词时指出

历史不会因时代变迁而改变,事实也不会因巧舌抵赖而消失。我们不应因一个民族中有少数军国主义分子发起侵略战争就仇视这个民族,战争的罪责在少数军国主义分子而不在人民,但人们任何时候都不应忘记侵略者所犯下的严重罪行。History will not be changed with the course of time, and facts will never fade away due to repudiation from the artful tongue. We should not be hostile to a nation for those aggressive wars launched by its few militarists in that the guilt and responsibility of war should not be imputed to its people, but the few militarists. However, people should not forget the serious crimes committed by invaders at any time. ——2014年12月13日, 出席南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭仪式并发表重要讲话


抗日战争 the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggressions

反人类的暴行 atrocities against humanity
