

I'll give you a taste of your own medicine.

Bill is always excluding me from things, so I'm going to give him a taste of his own medicine and not invite him to my party.

This team likes to play tough defense, so let's give them a taste of their own medicine and not give them any space to score.

Don't get mad, get even. 别激动,报复吧!(告诉别人与其为人困扰,不如以牙还牙)

This is my advice to wives whose husbands have left them for a younger woman - don't get mad, get even!

When I heard that a co-worker had stolen my idea and presented it as his own, all I could think was, "Don't get mad, get even."

I'll get my own back.

Jonathan bullied me mercilessly at school, but I eventually got my own back when I bought out his father's business and became his boss.

I was bullied at school and I want to get my own back.

It's payback time.

They stole the championship from us last year, but now it's payback time.

You were mean to me when we were kids, and now it’s payback time!

Revenge is sweet. 报仇雪恨,大快人心

John had been bullying and humiliating us for the entire year, so a group of about 20 or so kids got together to peg him with dozens of rotten eggs at the senior prom. Revenge is sweet.
