绅士礼仪和动作 名媛绅士礼仪第四期(1)


Dear ladies and gentlemen, for women’s day we have published the 4 chivalrous gestures gentlemen may accomplish towards women, to remind them how important they are. Today we finish the sequence with 7 new gestures. Manners are still making the man!

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绅士礼仪和动作 名媛绅士礼仪第四期(2)

1. 走在靠近街道的一侧

Walk on the side closes to the traffic

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Do: When walking, the gentleman makes sure to walk on the outside, closer to the road than her. This shows that her safety is important. It also protects the lady from the dust and the cars splashing the puddles.


Don’t: When walking, don’t walk ahead of her unless there’s truly a good reason. It’s disrespectful and feels emotionally closed off. Also, be aware that if she is wearing heels, there are just some places which she will not be able to walk.

绅士礼仪和动作 名媛绅士礼仪第四期(4)

2. 伸出手臂让女士挽住

Give her your arm while walking

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Do: giving the arm to a lady while walking is a very traditional gesture showing affection and courtesy to a woman, even if slightly old-fashioned today. Although, it is still applicable when arriving to formal events such as galas, ceremonies, or just for a having a walk.


Don’t: Give her your left arm, and not the right. Why? Because it is more convenient for her to use her right arm. Of course, if she’s left handed you may change.

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3. 在餐盘较重时为她提供帮助

Serve her at the table if the platters or bottles are too heavy


Do: At a dinner some dishes may be served in large platters which may become very heavy then. It would be appreciated from a gentleman to hold these platters for her while she helps herself, or to serve her. Likewise, for the wine, the gentleman shall serve the lady.


Don’t: She is not a baby and you are not a waiter, you shall not do it for every dish or beverage. Only the heavy ones.

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4. 为女士披上外套

He offers her his jacket

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Do: One of the cutest acts of chivalry possible. When she starts to shiver, begins rubbing her arms, or mentions how chilly it is outside, the gentleman just take it off and help her into it. It reveals to her that her comfort is important to for him.


Don’t: Now, if you’re also cold, that doesn’t mean that you should freeze just to give your partner your jacket. Instead, just draw her in and keep her warm!

绅士礼仪和动作 名媛绅士礼仪第四期(9)

5. 为女士准备早餐

Bring breakfast for her wake-up

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Do: The gentleman brings the complete breakfast in bed, on a well-arrangement tray with a flower. The lady doesn’t even have to leave the bed, and you can spend a warm moment together. Such a great start for the day!


Don’t: Of course it cannot be expected every day or even every week-end. To keep the romance, it should remain exceptional.

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6. 陪她等车和送她回家

Wait with her and walk her home

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Do: Walking a date, girlfriend, or any woman is a fantastic chivalrous gesture from a gentleman, it would avoid her an uncomfortable moment alone. At least, he should wait with her for her taxi or driver to pick her up, keeping her in a nice company until the end.


Don’t: Walk her home out of respect and thoughtfulness, without expecting any particular rewards or invitation. It is an altruistic, chivalrous gesture.

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7. 为她开门

Hold the door for her


Do: This is applicable with ladies, but also with anybody: you are entering/leaving a room by pushing a door, simply hold it for avoiding it to fall on the person behind you, which shall thank you for this.


Don’t: you are not the door person, simply hold it until he/she can hold too, no need to close it behind him/her.

绅士礼仪和动作 名媛绅士礼仪第四期(14)


Here is the end of our articles regarding chivalrous gestures in your daily life. As always, you are more than welcome to leave us comments!

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