
1、富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)



以下片段摘自《罗斯福炉边谈话·经济篇》之四:“On the Currency Situation”。美国大萧条时期,罗斯福利用刚刚兴起的广播媒介,向国民发表了一系列深入浅出的演讲,称为“炉边谈话”,获得巨大反响,甚至影响了历史的进程。这篇讲话的主题是国内经济形势,罗斯福先介绍了就业率回升数据,然后进一步鼓励听众为国家而奋斗。



How are we constructing the edifice of recovery—the temple which, when completed, will no longer be a temple of money-changers or of beggars, but rather a temple dedicated to and maintained for a greater social justice, a greater welfare for America—the habitation of a sound economic life? We are building, stone by stone, the columns which will support that habitation. Those columns are many in number and though, for a moment the progress of one column may disturb the progress on the pillar next to it, the work on all of them must proceed without let or hindrance.



2、英国女王 伊丽莎白二世(Elizabeth II)

本名伊丽莎白·亚历山德拉·玛丽(Elizabeth Alexandra Mary),是当今全球在位时间第二长的国家元首,也是历史上在位时间最长的女性君主。 以下片段摘自女王在戴安娜王妃遇难后的讲话,时间为1997年9月5日。




We have all been trying in our different ways to cope. It is not easy to express a sense of loss, since the initial shock is often succeeded by a mixture of other feelings: disbelief, incomprehension, anger and concern for those who remain. We have all felt those emotions in these last few days. So what I say to you now, as your Queen and as a grandmother, I say from my heart.



3、贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)

美国民主党籍政治家,是第一位非裔美国总统。以下片段摘自《奥巴马访谈录》第7篇“Press Conference by President Obama at White House”。这是2009年1月20日,奥巴马宣誓就任美国总统,2月9日晚间8时许(美国东部时间)在白宫东厅举行上任后的第一次记者招待会回答记者提问。




We find ourselves in a rare moment where the citizens of our country and all countries are watching and waiting for us to lead. It's a responsibility that this generation did not ask for, but one that we must accept for the future and our children and our grandchildren. And the strongest democracies flourish from frequent and lively debate, but they endure when people of every background and belief find a way to set aside smaller differences in service of a greater purpose.



4、安东尼·查尔斯·林顿·布莱尔(Anthony Charles Lynton Blair)


英国政治家,是工党历史上在任最长的英国首相,也是该党唯一一位带领工党连续三次赢得大选的首相,2007年6月27日离任。以下片段摘自《布莱尔演说集》:“I Did What I Thought Was Right”,这是布莱尔在2007年5月10日进行的辞职演说。



I've been prime minister of this country for just over 10 years. In this job in the world of today, I think that's long enough for me, but more especially for the country. And sometimes, the


