
概要写作是 2015 年 8 月教育部考试中心发布的《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语科考试说明》(高考综合改革试验省份适用)(第一版)中提出的全新写作题型,于 2018 年 11 月首次在浙江高考英语卷中使用。相比传统的写作来说,概要写作对考生来说是一个巨大的挑战,同时也对教师教学提出了更高的要求。


阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。(选自2018年11月浙江高考英语卷)

It's a really good idea to visit colleges before you apply because their websites can all start to lookand sound the same. Nothing will give you the sense of what it will actually belike to live on a college campus (校园) like visiting and seeing for yourself the dorms, classrooms and athletice quipment and, of course, the students. It seems a little crazy once senior year hits to find the time to visit college campuses, and it can also be pricey if the schools you are applying to happen to be more than a car ride away. But keep in mind that you are making a decision about the next four years of yourlife, and do all the research you can to make sure you are making the right one.

There's no excuse not to visit the schools in your local area. In fact, a lot of college applications even ask if you have visited campus, and obviously, if you live across the country that won't be as much of a possibility, but if you live nearby, go check itout!

If campus visits aren't going to happen before you apply, at the very least you should find some time between applying and getting your acceptance letters to visit the schools you'd like to attend. It can save you a lot of heartache if you rule out now the things that you don't like about certain campuses, things that you wouldn't know unless you actually visit.

Now, if time and money are making it impossible, then check out the online college fairs at CollegeWeekLive. It's a chance to chat online with admissions officers, students, and college counselors (顾问) ,and it won't cost you a penny! You can register for its online college fair at collegeweeklive.com. While visiting an online college fair can't take the place of an actual campus visit, it can be a very useful tool that along with all your other research will help you make an informed decision about which colleges or universities you'd like to attend.



概要写作提供一篇 350 词以内的短文,要求学生基于该短文写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。考生在理解该任务要求时应把握三点:1. 基于原文,即用自己的话再述文章所要表达的中心意思,切不可添加自己的观点。2. 60 词左右(40—80词),即语言要简洁、精炼。3. 内容概要,即既要涵盖文章的全部要点,又不能出现与文章主题不太相关的细枝末节。







声 明



图文校对:白金金 杨壹澜


审 核:贾丹彤



