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第一类:on the tip of tongue




planned hospital expansion:计划中的医院扩建(单独说“扩建”你一定会卡壳)

its largest undertaking yet:它最大的一单活儿(largest undertaking,这就好比big deal——大买卖、大事儿)

wire mesh:铁丝网(这种东西,就跟点菜一样,需要的时候只会说“this,this”)

staying level:保持水平(可能我们只想到keep balanced——这个平衡有两层含义)

学外语的人有个习惯,看到字母状的东西就会兴奋,研究一下这几个字母是谁的缩写,到了国外旅行,人家拍人拍风景,他会拍各种标志、搜集各种传单以及所有和文字有关的东西:哦!新手叫rookie啊,我们学的是new comer嘛……学校里学英语,有个最大的坏处,就是:我们越来越少像孩童时代那样,一手拉着大人,一手指着对面问“爸爸爸爸、那个叫什么……”。好奇心没了,你学语言基本也就到顶了。


第二类:so it was you


最低效的背单词,就是只管往前冲,从不归纳总结,比较一下“一词多义”、“一义多词”、“一词多用”,以及拼写上的特征……这相当于建立一个memory shelf。


details what followed:详细描述如下(detail做动词用了,后面是个从句)









第三类:You are what you do



a shallow ramp:浅的斜坡

essential roots:主根

roughly 15 minutes:大约15分钟

partially inflated:部分充气

original soil:原先带的土




Moving a Giant

Inhabitants of Boise, Idaho, watched earlier this year as the city’s oldest, tallest resident moved two blocks. The 105-year-old sequoia tree(红杉树) serves as a local landmark, not only for its longevity but also because famous naturalist and Sierra Club co-founder John Muir provided the original seedling. So, when Saint Luke’s Health System found that the 10-story-tall tree stood in the way of its planned hospital expansion, officials called tree-moving firm Environmental Design.

The Texas-based company has developed and patented scooping(抄底)and lifting technology to move massive trees. Weighing in at more than 800,000 pounds, the Boise sequoia is its largest undertaking yet. “I [had] lost enough sleep over this,” says David Cox, the company’s Western region vice president—and that was before the hospital mentioned the tree’s distinguished origin. Before the heavy lifting began, the team assessed the root system and dug a five-foot-deep cylinder, measuring 40 feet in diameter, around the trunk to protect all essential roots. After wrapping the root ball in wire mesh, the movertreated the tree to adapt to its new situation for seven months before relocating it. The illustration details what followed.

1. Mark A. Merit and his team at Environmental Design installed underneath the root ball a platform of seven-inch-diameter, 44-foot-long steelbars and, just below the rods, a first set of uninflated airbags ( shown in gray ). The team also dug a shallow ramp.

2. In roughly 15 minutes, the movers inflated the airbags to about three feet in diameter to raise the root ball to the surface of the hole.

3. By underinflating the front bags, the team allowed the platform carrying the tree to roll up the ramp and out of the hole while staying level. A trailer hauled the tree along as team members removed the airbags from the back of the platform and replaced them in the front. They repeated the process until the tree arrived at the edge of its new home.

4. There a second set of partially inflated bags ( shown in white ) waited inside the hole. Soil surrounding the sequoia in its original location was relocated as well, because trees are more likely to survive a transplant when they move with their original soil.

5. Using the first set of airbags, the movers rolled the platform into the new hole.

6. The bags waiting there were then inflated further to take the weight of the sequoia while the transportation bags were deflated and removed from under the tree.

7. The white bags were then deflated in about half an hour to lower the sequoia’s root ball to the bottom of its hole. The bags were removed, but the metal bars were left with the tree because they rust and degrade over a number of years.

8. For the next five years the local park service will monitor and maintain the tree in its new home.




