What parts of the newspaper do you read?,下面我们就来聊聊关于初级英语听力训练41到50?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



What parts of the newspaper do you read?

Miki: Hello, I'm Miki from Nigeria and you are?

Shon: Hello, I'm Shon from Uzbekistan. Nice to meet you. And this media is for...

Together: elllo org.

Shon: Here is a question. What parts of newspaper do you read?

Miki: I love reading the sports section because that's the first part I go to any time I get my hands on a newspaper.

Shon: Well that's cool, which means you like sports?

Miki: Yes.

Shon: I usually read also but the first thing I do when I buy the newspaper I read the back part where they put all these comedies.

Miki: Well, that's lovely.

Shon: Because it makes you feel happy, yes.

Miki: Thank you that's nice. I like laughing too but sports can be fun you know because there's all the juice about what goes around in the world concerning the sporting events so that's why I love the sports section.

Shon: Thank you very much.

Miki: All right.

Shon: So we return to elllo org. Thank you very much.

Miki: You're welcome.


1. kick off

在工作中经常听到同事说Let‘s kick off the meeting,Let’s kick off the party。kick是踢的意思,kick off其实是开始“start”的意思。用kick off表示“开始”是不是听着更地道一点呢!

Kick off也有表示足球比赛中的进球以及强迫某人离开的意思。

2. flick through

flick through这个词表示快速浏览,快速翻阅的意思,一般可以说flick through the book/magazine。flick本身就表示快速移动,所以这个词不难理解。

3. hit on someone

意思是通过调戏的方式让对方喜欢上你,这个词是花哥最近在重温美剧[绝望主妇]中学到的。Susan hit on Dr. Ron. 顺便提一下调戏怎么说,调戏某人就是flirt with someone

4. crush on someone

再来讲个表示喜欢的词,crush on someone 表示的喜欢是种小暗恋。这个词是花哥上次和学长讨论英语时提到的,(花哥是有点无聊,还和学长讨论英语, 大家别喷呀)可以和hit on someone一起来记。

5. His head is in the clouds


6. flat tire

这个词很好理解,轮胎平了,那就是爆胎了。以后轮胎爆了别总去想什么复杂的词,flat tire形象又好记。

7. under the table

在桌子下进行的,那一定是秘密啦。没错,under the table就是秘密的意思。当初花哥上学时打工,就是那种pay under the table。对啦,那就是俗称的“黑工”,不用交税,直接给现金的那种。

8. Don't drive me to the wall

英语中也有表示别欺人太甚的词哟。别把我逼到墙角就是别欺人太甚的意思。下次吵架可以用Don't drive me to the wall.

9. make a fuss

小题大作的意思,可以说Don't make a fuss.

10. Thanks for the tip


这里的Thanks for the tip可以解释为谢谢你告诉我
