
Many VOA Learning English fans write to us with this question: How do I improve my English?


Dear VOA fan:

You are in the right place to improve your English!

Over the next few weeks, Ask a Teacher will tell you how to use our website to get better at speaking English and improve your listening skills.



The first step in getting better in English is to study at the same time each day.

Some of our readers tell us they listen to Learning English Broadcast on their way to school or work.


我们的一些读者告诉我们说,他们在上学或上班的路上会收听 "英语学习广播" (Learning English Broadcast )。

Do you wake up early and study when the house is quiet? Or do you like to stay up late and study before you go to sleep?


Choose a time to study English every day or every week. Make a study plan for each week.


Here is an exmaple: using our website. On Monday: Watch Let's Learn English. Practice the conversation with a friend.

例如:使用我们的网站。周一:观看《让我们学习英语》(Let’s Learn English) 栏目。 与朋友练习对话。

On Tuesday: Watch English in a Minute. Teach the new expression to family or friends. On Wednesday: Watch English at the Movies. Write a note to a friend about the expression.

周二:观看《一分钟英语》(English in a Minute)栏目。 向家人或朋友讲解新的表达方式。周三:观看《看电影学英语》(English at the Movies)栏目。 给朋友写一个关于电影中英语表达的便条。

On Thursday: Watch News Words. Write a sentence using the word. On Friday: Read or listen to Ask a Teacher or Everyday Grammar. Write three sentences.

周四:观看《新闻词汇》(News Words)栏目。 用里面的单词造句。周五:阅读或听《名师答疑》(Ask a Teacher )或《日常语法》(Everyday Grammar)栏目。 写三个句子。

A good way to learn is to study with a friend or a family member. You can study together in person or on the phone.


One of the most important steps to learn English is to set a goal.

Make it something you know you can do in a short time.



Here are some examples: I will learn four new idioms in the next month and use them with friends.


I will practice speaking with my friends three times a week.

I will write sentences with five new English words every week.



Start with these steps as we begin the new year: study at the same time, study with a friend and set a goal.


Come back to read more about how to improve your English in the coming weeks. And that's Ask a Teacher!


I'm Jill Robbins.

