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中国人的饭局讲究最多,从座位的安排到上菜的顺序 从谁先动第一筷到什么时候可以离席,都有明






Dining in China is featured with courtesy and manners.F rom seating arrangements to the sequence of courses to be served and from who to initiate the dinner to when to leave the table-everything is clearly defined. At the Chinese dinner table, the medial position facing the door is for the VIP, and the co ourses are served in the cold-to-hot and simple-to-complex order. Eating won’t start until the person sitting right in the midd le has a taste of the food. At the dinner table,the Chinese hospitality is at its best, as interpersonal relationships among din hers are bound to deepen when wineglasses are raised. At the outset of the eating, the host, as a rule, delivers a short speech of welcome before he toasts his guests.He drinks his wine up and his guests follow suit.


1.第一句是一个长句,可译为两句。“讲究”可译为 be featured with courtesy and manners。

2.“从座位的安排……明确的规定”首先要确定主句,然后其他成分以状语形式翻译。“座位的安排”可译为 seating arrangements; “先动第一筷”可译为 initiate the dinner。


4.第四句中,“好客”是个难词,可译为 hospitality;“发挥得最充分”可译为词组 at its best。

5.第六句中,要注意区分英汉句子的不同,“……之后”在英语中习惯用 before 来表达。

6.第七句中,“一饮而尽”可译为 drink one's wine up:“也要喝完”可用词组follow suit“照着做,仿效”来表达。

Difficult notes

1. There are two predicate verbs in the first sentence, namely "yes" and "yes", which can be translated into with, the phrase, with along history2. the subject in the second sentence is "pasting couplets", that is, infinitive can be used as the subject, and gerund phrases can be used as the subject.3. In the third sentence, " When.... · Near time ", in addition to approach, can also be translated as be near and be around the corner.4. The translation of "ringing out the old and welcoming the new" is the key point. The more common translation is ring out the old year and ring in the new, which can also be translated as farewell tothe old and usher in the new.

5. The first sentence is long, because the first two clauses have the same structure, the omitted structure can be used: the third clause can be translated as parallel structure with the first two sentences, but also can be translated as with independent main case structure.






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