#头条创作挑战赛#At the end of the day, he went home with frustration and a five o'clock shadow. 一天结束,满脸胡须的他带着一身疲惫回家,下面我们就来聊聊关于英语重要的高级表达?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!




a five o'clock shadow (早上刮脸后下午又长出的)胡须楂儿

At the end of the day, he went home with frustration and a five o'clock shadow. 一天结束,满脸胡须的他带着一身疲惫回家。

put food on the table 维持生活;养家糊口

The vast majority of people work hard just to put food on the table. 大多数人努力工作只是为了养家糊口。

set the world on fire 点燃世界

Her songs are beautiful but aren't enough to set the world on fire. 她的歌很好听,但不足以点燃世界。

poke fun at sb/sth 取笑;戏弄;拿…开玩笑

Don't poke fun at me. 别拿我开玩笑了。

take the cake == take the biscuit 很让人讨厌

He sneaked on me to the teacher, which quite took the cake. 他跟老师打我小报告,这真的很让人讨厌。

make a pig's ear of sth == make a pig's ear of it 把...搞砸;弄糟

Please don't make a pig's ear of it again. 求你了,千万别再把它搞砸了。

have a vivid imagination 拥有丰富的想象力

She has a vivid imagination and excels at painting. 她富有想象力且擅于绘画。

be a bundle of nerves 神经极度紧张

He was a bundle of nerves during the presentation. 演讲的时候,他十分的紧张。

a can of worms 一堆麻烦事;棘手的问题

His comment opened a can of worms. 他的言论招致了一堆的麻烦事。

play it by ear 随机应变,见机行事

Let's play it by ear. 让我们见机行事。
