


新Lesson 2 (标★者核心解析)

1. ★until [ən'til, ʌn'til] prep.直到

2. ★outside [aut'said] ad.外面

3. ★ring [riŋ] v.(铃、电话等)响

4. aunt [ɑ:nt] n.姑,姨,婶,舅妈

5. ★repeat [ri'pi:t] v.重复;重说

1. until [ən'til] prep.直到。作介词及连词preposition, conjunction



1 up to the time that,到…时;直到…时,用语肯定句

I was up until three o'clock trying to get it finished! 为了完成工作,我一直干到3点!

We had better wait until Antony's here? 我们最好等到安东尼来。


2 not until not before a particular time or event 直到…才。用语否定句。

We didn't eat till past midnight. 直到过了午夜我们才吃东西。

What ever we do, won't stop until it's finished. 不论做什么,我们都不会半途而废。


3. 常见定势思维❌错误:


LEARNER ERROR: until now or so far?Warning: choose the correct adverb! 注意:選擇正確的副詞!

(A) Use 'until now' to talk about a situation that existed, but has just ended: ‘until now’用於表示剛剛結束的過去的某種情況。例如:

The weather was lovely until now. I hope the rain stops soon. 此前天氣一直很好。我希望雨能快點停。

(B) To talk about a situation that still exists and may continue to exist, don't say 'until now', say so far: 表示現在仍然存在並有可能繼續存在的情況時,不要用‘until now’,而應該用so far。例如:

The weather has been lovely until now. I hope it will continue.(❌錯誤的用法)

The weather has been lovely so far. I hope it will continue. 到现在为止天气一直很好。我希望可以持续下去。(正确⭕)

DISTANCE距离as far as 直到…; 到…为止

You should stay on the train until Manchester and then change. 你应该坐火车一直坐到曼彻斯特,然后再换车。

(2)COMMON LEARNER ERROR: until Warning: Check your spelling! 注意:檢查拼寫!

Until is one of the 50 words most often spelled wrongly by learners. Until是學習者最容易寫錯的五十個單詞之一。

Remember: the correct spelling has only one 'l'. 記住:正確的拼寫只有一個‘l’。

You can also use till with the same meaning, but remember that it has two 'l's. 也可以使用詞義與until相同的till,但記住till有‘ll’。




二、 until 常用高频句型



1. Not until 从句置于句首,主句用部分倒装结构

(1)Not until he went through real hardship did he realize the love for his families is important. 直到经历了真正的苦难后,他才意识到爱对家人是重要的。

A. → He didn't realize the love for his families is important until he went through real hardship.

B. → It was not until he went through real hardship that he realized the love for his families is important.

(2) Not until recently did they encourage the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas.直到最近,他们才鼓励在农村地区开展与旅游相关的活动。


2. 强调句型 It was not until 时间状语(从句) that 主句

(1)It was not until then that the General Assembly reluctantly considered the proposal. 直到这时,大会才勉强考虑这一建议。

(2) It was not until 1920 that the law was changed to give all women voting rights. 直到1920年,宪法律才得以修改,赋予所有女性投票权。

(3) It was not until the young lady took off her sunglasses that I realized she was a famous film star. 直到那位年轻的女士摘下墨镜,我才认出她是一位著名的电影明星。

2. outside [aut'said] ad.外面,作副词,形容词和介词 adverb , adjective , preposition

1 not inside a building在外面(的),在室外(的);在…外面

It was a lovely day outside.外面的天气真好。

Since it's such a nice day, shall we eat/sit/go outside? 既然天气这么好,我们去外面吃饭/坐坐/走走好吗?

2. an outside light/toilet 室外灯/厕所

3. [before noun] coming from another place or organization外来的(地);来自外地(或组织外)的(地);…以外

The company has called in outside experts. 公司已外请了专家。

4. outside call/linea telephone call or connection going outside the place where you are(电话)外线

5. [before noun] the most that would be allowe最大限度的;最高限度的

The outside limit/figure would be 350 yuan. 最大限度/最高价格会达到350元。

6. the outside world,also the world outside things that are common in normal society, but which you have no experience of 外界,外部世界

An over-protected childhood meant that at the age of 22 she had no idea about the outside world.童年时期受到过分的保护,意味着到了22岁她对外部世界仍然一无所知。

7. adverb , preposition 在(…)外面 not in a particular building or room, but near it

She sat for two hours on the floor outside his room. 她在他房间外的地板上坐了两个小时。

8. not in a particular place不在某地,在(…)外面,…以外

Nobody outside this room must ever know what we have discussed. 除了这间屋子里的人决不能让任何人知道我们讨论过的内容。

9. not within or part of something 超出;不属于

I'm afraid that would be outside my job description.: 恐怕这超出了我的职责范围。

10. outside of mainly US ,except for除了,除…之外

Outside of us three, no one knows anything about the problem, yet.除了我们3个,别人对这个问题都还毫不知情。


3. ring [riŋ] v.(铃、电话等)响,不规则动词 [作及物动词或不及物动词I or T] rang, rung mainly UK;call , calls , calling , called US, usually and UK also call to make a telephone call to someone (给…)打电话

I ring home once a week to tell my parents I'm okay.我每周往家打一次电话向父母报平安。

There's been an accident - can you ring for an ambulance? 出事故了——你能否打电话叫救护车?

The boss rang (in) to say he'll be back at 4.30. 老板打电话(到办公室)说他在4点30分回来。

Why don't you ring (up) Simon and ask him to the party? 你为什么不给西蒙打电话请他来参加聚会呢?

2 [I or T] rang, rung to (cause to) make the sound of a bell (使)发出钟声;(使)响起铃声

The doorbell/telephone rang. 门铃/电话铃响了。

Rose's alarm clock rang for half an hour before she woke. 露丝的闹钟响了半个小时她才醒。

I rang the bell but nobody came to the door. 我按响了门铃,可是没有人来开门。

My head is/My ears are still ringing (= are full of a ringing noise) from the sound of the military band. 军乐队的乐声仍然回荡在我的脑海中/耳际。

4. aunt [ɑ:nt] n.姑,姨,婶,舅妈5. repeat [ri'pi:t] v.重复;重说

1. v.重复;重说

Would you mind repeating what you just said? 您能重复一遍刚才您讲的话吗?

Please don't repeat what I've just told you to anyone else. 请不要把我刚才对你所说的话告诉任何人。

[repeat that宾语从句]

She repeated that she had no intention of standing for President. 她重申没有竞选总统的打算。

2. [及物动词或不及物动词I or T]。重做;重复to happen, or to do something, more than once

The test must be repeated several times. 这个试验一定要重复做数次。

This is an offer never to be repeated. 如不接受这个报价,以后就再也没有这样的机会了。

Johnny had to repeat a year/class at school. 约翰尼不得不留级一年/留级。

Some historians think that history repeats itself. 有些历史学家认为历史会重演。

3. 重复说;翻来覆去地说同样的事情 repeat yourself: to say the same thing again, or the same things again and again.

His speech was dreadful - he just kept repeating himself. 他的演讲令人生厌——他只是翻来覆去地重复那一点儿内容。

4. 在(某人)口中留下余味 repeat on sb: When food repeats on you, the taste of it comes up again into your mouth

Cucumber always repeats on me. 我一吃黄瓜,嘴里就老有一股黄瓜味。

noun [可数名词C]

5. 重现;重复;重做 when something happens or is done more than once

All this is a repeat/a repeat performance of what happened last year. 这完全是去年发生的事件的重演。

6. 回放节目 a television or radio programme that is broadcast again

There's nothing but repeats on television these days. 这些天电视净回放以前的节目。

