Welcome back. (你回来了)= Welcome back!,下面我们就来聊聊关于英语日常家庭口语?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



Welcome back. (你回来了。)

= Welcome back!

= How was your day?

After you finish your homework. (写完作业再去吧。)

We have some snacks. (吃点儿点心吧。)

They're in the cupboard. (在碗橱里。)

Call when you finish. (下课后来个电话。)


What do you want to buy? (你要买什么呀?)

= I'm exhausted. (我精疲力尽了)

= I'm pooped. (*俚语)

= What do you want for dinner? (晚饭吃什么?)

How about steak? (吃牛排怎么样?)

I'd be happy to. (乐意之至。)

*set the table 是将刀、叉和杯子在桌子上摆好,准备吃饭的意思。

= What should I cook for dinner?

= What should I fix for dinner?

= There's no place like home.

= It feels so good to be home.


你能不能赶紧去趟商店? Would you run to the store?

In just a minute. (稍等一下。)


It's been a long day. (今天真累呀!)

Not yet. (还没呢。)

Is it time for dinner yet? (该吃晚饭了吧?)

= Mom, what did you fix for dinner?

Salisbury steak. (吃汉堡肉饼。)

Great! (太棒了。)

= We're having curry today.

= When will it be ready?

= How soon will it be done?

In about five more minutes. (再有5分钟吧。)

Shall we begin? (可以吃了吗?)

= Please help yourself.

It sure does. (真挺快的。)

O.K. (知道啦!)

It's time for dinner! (该吃晚饭啦!)

Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner is ready! (早饭/午饭/晚饭好了啊!)


Finally. (终于吃上饭喽!)

I'll be right there. (我马上就去。)

I'm on my way. 我马上就去

Yes. (洗干净了。)

Don't tip it over.

= Finish your vegetables.

= Finish up your vegetables.

I'm trying to. (这不吃着呢嘛。)

Don't be picky. (不许挑食。)

It was a wonderful dinner. (谢谢您丰盛的晚餐。)

Would you put the dishes away?

= Wash the dishes!

I will. (就去洗。)

It's not my turn. (今天不该我洗。)



*口语中一般发成“What're you doing?”


No, not today. (没有,今天没什么好看的。)

What's on Channel 8?

= Would you switch the channel?

= Would you change the station?

You've watched enough for tonight. (今晚你看得够多的了。)

Let's get the futon out. (把被子拿出来吧。)


= Why don't you take a nap? (你干嘛不睡午觉?)

= I'm drowsy.


I am. (好好学着呢。)

I can't quit now. (正好玩着呢。)

I will. (一定刷。)

No, not yet. (没有,还没准备好呢。)

Make sure you wash up well. (好好洗洗啊。)

Just a minute. (再等一下。)

Sorry about that. (对不起,我忘了关。)

You forgot to turn the TV off. (你忘了关电视啦。)

I won't. (知道了。)

I set it for 8:00.

Sure thing. (知道了。)

Good night. (晚安。)

= Have pleasant dreams.

Don't let the bedbugs bite. (晚安。)

*该句和Good night!一起用于就寝前。一般人均可使用,特别多用于父母对子女。

*bedbugs “臭虫”,直译是“别让臭虫咬了。”但现在没有这种意思,只是睡觉前常用的表达。
