测一测I thought they were ______ at me because I was ugly.,下面我们就来聊聊关于笑用英语有多少种说法?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!




I thought they were ______ at me because I was ugly.


A. laughing

B. smiling

C. beaming


在中文里,我们说“笑”,真的就是只有一个字。不管他是开心的笑,还是苦恼的笑;不管他是真诚的笑,还是嘲讽的笑。最终,我们只需要认识这个“笑”字。不过在英语里,表达“笑”,有很多个单词。我们一起来看看吧~• smile这是我们最常见的笑,表示面露微笑,侧重于无声。比如:She gave a wry smile.她苦笑了一下。When he saw me, he smiled and waved.他看见我的时候,微笑着朝我挥挥手。• laugh这个单词也很常见,表示大笑、嘲笑等。比如:He laughed with pleasure when people said he looked like his dad.人们说他长得像父亲时,他乐得大笑起来。You can stand there and feel superior as you point and laugh at them.你站在那儿指指点点、嘲笑他们时,会觉得自己高人一等。• giggle这个单词我们平时见的比较少,表示傻笑、咯咯的笑,通常用于女人和孩子。比如:Both girls began to giggle.两个女孩都咯咯地笑了起来。She gave a little girlish giggle.她像个小女孩一样咯咯地笑了笑。• grin这个单词我们也见的不多,表示咧嘴笑、露齿而笑。比如:He grins, delighted at the memory.想到往事,他开心地咧嘴笑了起来。Bobby looked at her with a sheepish grin.博比望着她腼腆地咧嘴一笑。• beam这个词常用于书面用词,指人因心情舒畅而发出的笑,即喜形于色地笑。比如:Frances beamed at her friend with undisguised admiration.弗朗西丝开心地对自己的朋友笑着,毫不掩饰她的羡慕之情。"Welcome back," she beamed.“欢迎回来,”她满面笑容地说。• sneer这个词指冷笑、嘲笑。比如:"Hypocrite," he sneered.“伪君子,”他不屑地说。A faint sneer hangs on the lips.嘴角挂着一丝冷笑。好了,今天跟大家讲了好多“笑”。虽然平时常用的就是smile和laugh,但是如果大家能记住这些“笑”,当再遇到的时候,不至于露出尴尬的“笑”。


"How nice to see you!" she said, with a ______ of welcome.


A. sneer

B. beam

C. giggle

A faint ______ hangs on the lips.


A. sneer

B. beam

C. giggle


在近3年全国和各地高考、CET4、CET6试卷中smile 和 laugh 还是最常出现的,而且频率很高。At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh?They joke and laugh and are living in their own relaxed world."Maybe Roger here could hold it for you," she smiled at Roger ,the bike guy.
