修船时船舶应提前准备的图纸:the general arrangement drawing 总布置图,下面我们就来聊聊关于平顶房浇筑时应预埋哪些管路?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!




the general arrangement drawing 总布置图

docking plan 坞墩图

Bottom plug layout 船底塞布置图

The marking drawing of outerplate 外板标记图

the layout of seachest 海底阀箱布置图

the lay out of hullvalvies 通海阀布置图

Assembly drawing and partsdrawing of rudder,rudder stock,rudder pin, rudder bearing installation process drawing calculation sheet of rudder stock and rudder pin 舵,舵杆,舵销,舵承装配图和零件图,舵杆和舵销的安装工艺图或计算书

Lifting drawing of tail shaft and intermediateshaft 艉轴,中间轴吊装图

Part drawing and assembly drawing of tail shaft,stertn tube,tail shaft seal,Tail bearing;propeller;fishnet device 艉轴,轴套,艉轴密封,艉轴承,螺旋桨,防渔网装置的零件图和装配图

Stern tube layout and structure drawing 艉管布置图和结构图

Diagram of peak tank or stern tube cooling water tank 艉尖舱或艉管冷却水舱图

Disassembly and assembly process or installation calculation sheet of propeller 螺旋桨拆装工艺或安装计算书
